Newsletter Summary
Last five Flashes
Last five graphs
Note: All graphs issued with newsletters
are published in "Graph" section
of site.
Last five tables
All tables are published in Statistics section.
The Statistics section includes Barley statistics, Malt statistics
and Beer statistics. The tables related to barley are published in
Barley Statistics section, the tables related to malt in
Malt Statistics section and the tables related to beer in
Beer Statistics section.
Last five prices evolution
Last five scientific digests
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Don Marquis
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Just click on the price link and you will be led to our Market
Price History. Average barley market prices are French and are
estimated on FOB Creil basis.
Average Malt Prices are theoretical and based FOB Antwerp being
estimated on French malting barley.
The changes are compared to last Newsletter's
prices. Arrows indicate the direction of the change.
Japan: Kirin reports nine months results, cuts forecast for full year 2009
...Click here
Australia: Lion Nathan delivers a 13% increase in operating net profit after tax for FY09
...Click here
The Philippines: San Miguel Brewery Inc. ups both revenues and operating income by 5% in January – September 2009
...Click here
United States: Boston Beer Company increases Q3 net revenue by 8%
...Click here
Denmark: Royal Unibrew’s earnings significantly improve in the nine months to September 30
...Click here
Australia: GrainCorp successfully sells new shares to raise money for the takeover of United Malt Holdings
...Click here
United Kingdom: HGCA issues first official estimate of 2009-10 UK barley supply and demand
...Click here
United States: Beer on-premise consumption forecast to decline 1.8% in 2009
...More Info
The Czech Republic: Beer better to be called ‘barley wine’
...More Info
Russia: New malting plant may be constructed in the south of Russia
...More Info
United Kingdom: Action needed to improve confidence in malting barley – Maltsters’ Association chairman
...More Info
Belarus: Malt exports drop in January – October this year
...More Info
Ukraine: Beer imports decline in Jan – Sept this year
...More Info
The Czech Republic: Gambrinus recognized as true Czech Beer
...More Info
Japan: Kirin reports nine months results, cuts forecast for full year 2009
Kirin Holdings Co., Japan’s leading brewer, cut on November, 6 its full-year net income forecast by 25 percent on costs to close two domestic
...More Info
Australia: Lion Nathan delivers a 13% increase in operating net profit after tax for FY09
Brewer Lion Nathan announced on November, 5 that it had achieved its promised step-up in growth for FY09 ended September this year.
The company delivered
...More Info
The Philippines: San Miguel Brewery Inc. ups both revenues and operating income by 5% in January – September 2009
Philippine conglomerate San Miguel Corp, which sells nine out of 10 beers in the country, reported on November, 5 strong first nine months results
...More Info
United States: Boston Beer Company increases Q3 net revenue by 8%
The Boston Beer Company, Inc. reported on November, 5 a third quarter core product depletions - the total number of cases sold by a
...More Info
Denmark: Royal Unibrew’s earnings significantly improve in the nine months to September 30
Danish brewer Royal Unibrew reported on November, 6 that it had seen significantly improved earnings in the nine months to 30 September 2009.
...More Info
Australia: GrainCorp successfully sells new shares to raise money for the takeover of United Malt Holdings
Grains handler and marketer GrainCorp Ltd has successfully sold new shares, which weren't taken up by retail shareholders in an entitlement offer, at a
...More Info
United Kingdom: HGCA issues first official estimate of 2009-10 UK barley supply and demand
UK barley availability is estimated at 8.006 mln tonnes in 2009/10, up 0.960 mln tonnes (14%) on last season, HGCA communicated on November, 4.
...More Info
Ethyl ester production during brewery fermentation: a review
Sofie M.G. Saerens, Kevin J. Verstrepen, Johan M. Thevelein and Freddy R. Delvaux
The production of volatile esters by yeast is of major
industrial interest because the presence of these
compounds determines the fruity aroma of fermented
beverages, like beer and wine (6-8, 11, 13, 14, 23, 24, 31-
33, 37-41, 50). The need to understand and control ester
synthesis is driven by the fact that esters play a key role in
the sensorial quality of these fermented alcoholic
beverages. Especially in the brewery, problems with ester
production have been encountered by the introduction of
modern brewing practices, such as high-gravity brewing,
the use of tall cylindroconical fermentors and the
production of reduced-alcohol beers. Indeed, it is wellknown
that the use of worts of high specific gravity results
in disproportionate amounts of esters (2, 30). In contrast to
high-gravity brewing, fermentations in tall ‘Apollo’
fermentors or the production of low alcohol beers result in
a reduction of ester formation, so that the produced beers
lack desirable fruity tones (30). As esters are synthesized
via several yeasts’ complex metabolic pathways, there is a
need to gain a clear understanding of ester metabolism.
One needs to take a closer look at the individual genes
involved, their functions and regulatory mechanisms.
In alcoholic beverages, there are two important groups of
esters: the acetate esters and the medium-chain fatty acid
(MCFA) ethyl esters. For acetate ester synthesis, the genes
involved have already been cloned and characterized (16,
26, 28, 34, 52, 53, 55-57). Also the biochemical pathways
and the regulation of acetate ester synthesis are welldefined
(10, 28). About the molecular basis of MCFA
ethyl ester synthesis however, research was only recently
successful (10, 45, 46). This paper reviews the current
knowledge of the synthesis of MCFA ethyl esters and
discusses the different factors that allow MCFA ester
formation to be controlled during fermentation.
Cerevisia, 33(2) 2008
Malting and Feed Barley Prices
NB: Prices published are theoretical malt prices including financial cost,
THC (for bulk and bags container) and all administrative costs.
This prices may fluctuate according to the quantity per delivery
and technical specifications.
* - 70/30 = 70% Average two Rows Spring and 30% Six Rows Winter
** - 50/50 = 50% Average two Rows Spring and 50% Six Rows Winter
World Barley Supply & Demand
November 05
1492 Christopher Columbus learns of maize (corn) from Indians of Cuba
1895 George Selden patents 1st gasoline-driven car
November 06
1851 Charles H Dow was born, co-founded Dow Jones/1st editor of Wall St Journal
1923 Col Jacob Schick patents 1st electric shaver
November 07
1865 London Gazette, oldest surviving journal, is founded
1867 Marie Curie is born, French Scientist, discovered radium, Nobel 1903, 1911
1929 The stock market sludges through a day of murky panic, as 2.4 million shares trade in the first half-hour, one of the heaviest openings yet on record
November 08
1789 Bourbon Whiskey, 1st distilled from corn (by Elijah Craig, Bourbon Ky)
1793 Louvre opens in Paris
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