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All tables are published in Statistics section.
The Statistics section includes Barley statistics, Malt statistics
and Beer statistics. The tables related to barley are published in
Barley Statistics section, the tables related to malt in
Malt Statistics section and the tables related to beer in
Beer Statistics section.
Last five prices evolution
Last five scientific digests
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Don Marquis
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Just click on the price link and you will be led to our Market
Price History. Average barley market prices are French and are
estimated on FOB Creil basis.
Average Malt Prices are theoretical and based FOB Antwerp being
estimated on French malting barley.
The changes are compared to last Newsletter's
prices. Arrows indicate the direction of the change.
Denmark: Carlsberg reports nine months 2009 results
...Click here
Canada: Molson Coors total beer volume down 2.9% in the third quarter of this year
...Click here
United States: MillerCoors’ total net revenue increases by 3.1% in the quarter ended September 30, 2009
...Click here
India: Cobra Beer founder seeking investments in Indian business on confidence of the market’s potential
...Click here
Finland: Beer sales up 5% in January – September this year
...Click here
Denmark & Vietnam: Carlsberg to acquire the remaining stake in Hué Brewery
...Click here
Russia & Kazakhstan: Baltika Breweries expected to make EUR90 mln from the sale of its license in Kazakhstan
...Click here
EU: Hundreds of tonnes of barley expected to be offered into intervention this year
...Click here
World: Diageo expects a long and slow recovery from recession
...More Info
Australia: Pacific Beverages continues strong volume performance in Q3 2009
...More Info
Colombia: Brewer Bavaria SA increases net profit by 41% in January – September this year
...More Info
China: Taiwan beer vows to conquer 1% of China’s beer market in 3 – 5 years
...More Info
United Kingdom: British brewers pay faster in September
...More Info
United States: States raising alcohol content in beer
...More Info
Australia: UK malting barley variety tested in Australia
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Australia: Coopers Brewery planning to double beer exports to the US this financial year
...More Info
United States: Microbrewers obliged to pay much for hops despite abundant crop
...More Info
Zambia: Zambian Breweries aiming to reduce dependence on barley imports
...More Info
Turkey: Beer tops Turkey’s export list, Iraq becomes its main destination - report
...More Info
Kenya: New bill seeks to repeal ban on brewing traditional liquor, beer market expected to experience a big shake-up
...More Info
Denmark: Carlsberg reports nine months 2009 results
Carlsberg A/S, the world’s fourth-largest brewer, reported on November, its interim results as at 30 September 2009.
Carlsberg said it had delivered a strong set
...More Info
Canada: Molson Coors total beer volume down 2.9% in the third quarter of this year
Molson Coors Brewing Company reported on November, 4 double-digit income growth for the third quarter.
Net income attributable to Molson Coors increased 37.4 percent
...More Info
United States: MillerCoors’ total net revenue increases by 3.1% in the quarter ended September 30, 2009
SABMiller plc and Molson Coors Brewing Company reported on November, 4 double-digit profit growth for their US joint venture MillerCoors for the quarter ended
...More Info
India: Cobra Beer founder seeking investments in Indian business on confidence of the market’s potential
Cobra Beer founder Karan Bilimoria is seeking to raise 4.5 mln pounds for his Indian business after partly selling the British arm in a
...More Info
Finland: Beer sales up 5% in January – September this year
In January – September 2009, domestic beer sales by members of the Finnish Federation of the Brewing and Soft Drinks Industry increased by 5%
...More Info
Denmark & Vietnam: Carlsberg to acquire the remaining stake in Hué Brewery
Carlsberg and Hué People’s Committee have signed a so-called Memorandum of Understanding in which the Committee confirms its support for Carlsberg to acquire the
...More Info
Russia & Kazakhstan: Baltika Breweries expected to make EUR90 mln from the sale of its license in Kazakhstan
Baltika Breweries, Russia's leading beer maker, plans to organize production in Kazakhstan and to make EUR90 million from the sale of its license there,
...More Info
EU: Hundreds of tonnes of barley expected to be offered into intervention this year
Farmers in the European Union, troubled by falling prices, are likely ease market pressure by offering hundreds of thousands of tonnes of barley into
...More Info
Ethyl ester production during brewery fermentation: a review
Sofie M.G. Saerens, Kevin J. Verstrepen, Johan M. Thevelein and Freddy R. Delvaux
The production of volatile esters by yeast is of major
industrial interest because the presence of these
compounds determines the fruity aroma of fermented
beverages, like beer and wine (6-8, 11, 13, 14, 23, 24, 31-
33, 37-41, 50). The need to understand and control ester
synthesis is driven by the fact that esters play a key role in
the sensorial quality of these fermented alcoholic
beverages. Especially in the brewery, problems with ester
production have been encountered by the introduction of
modern brewing practices, such as high-gravity brewing,
the use of tall cylindroconical fermentors and the
production of reduced-alcohol beers. Indeed, it is wellknown
that the use of worts of high specific gravity results
in disproportionate amounts of esters (2, 30). In contrast to
high-gravity brewing, fermentations in tall ‘Apollo’
fermentors or the production of low alcohol beers result in
a reduction of ester formation, so that the produced beers
lack desirable fruity tones (30). As esters are synthesized
via several yeasts’ complex metabolic pathways, there is a
need to gain a clear understanding of ester metabolism.
One needs to take a closer look at the individual genes
involved, their functions and regulatory mechanisms.
In alcoholic beverages, there are two important groups of
esters: the acetate esters and the medium-chain fatty acid
(MCFA) ethyl esters. For acetate ester synthesis, the genes
involved have already been cloned and characterized (16,
26, 28, 34, 52, 53, 55-57). Also the biochemical pathways
and the regulation of acetate ester synthesis are welldefined
(10, 28). About the molecular basis of MCFA
ethyl ester synthesis however, research was only recently
successful (10, 45, 46). This paper reviews the current
knowledge of the synthesis of MCFA ethyl esters and
discusses the different factors that allow MCFA ester
formation to be controlled during fermentation.
Cerevisia, 33(2) 2008
Malting and Feed Barley Prices
NB: Prices published are theoretical malt prices including financial cost,
THC (for bulk and bags container) and all administrative costs.
This prices may fluctuate according to the quantity per delivery
and technical specifications.
* - 70/30 = 70% Average two Rows Spring and 30% Six Rows Winter
** - 50/50 = 50% Average two Rows Spring and 50% Six Rows Winter
World Barley Supply & Demand
November 02
1927 John Sainsbury was born, Chairman of J Sainsbury plc (the parent company of Sainsbury's Supermarkets Ltd) since 1969; English billionaire
1928 Dupont introduces synthetic rubber
1992 1st test flight of Airbus A330
November 03
1898 1st US automobile show opens at Madison Square Garden (NYC)
1929 1st commercially produced synthetic rubber manufactured
1971 The microprocessor is officially born as Intel introduces its new 4004 chip, invented by Ted Hoff and Federico Faggin
November 04
1846 Benjamin Palmer patents artificial leg
1939 1st air conditioned automobile (Packard) exhibited, Chicago, Ill
1996 Vimpel Communications becomes the first Russian company to list its shares on the New York Stock Exchange
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