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| Newsletter 39b September 30 - October 03, 2021
Quote of the Week
Dreams don't work unless you do.
John C. Maxwell
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Equities of the Largest Breweries
World: 18% US wheat stocks decline drives agri-commodities prices further upwards
...Click here
North America: Dramatic drop in barley yield and quality having widespread implications
...Click here
USA, VT: Vermont Beer Makers to build new $3 mln brewery and taproom in Brattleboro
...Click here
USA, WA: El Sueñito Brewing hopes to open in Bellingham in May 2022
...Click here
USA, MA: Break Rock Brewing says construction already underway in Quincy
...Click here
USA, SC: Magnetic South Brewery already open in downtown Anderson
...Click here
USA, IL: Black & Gray Brewing Co. moving forward with expansion plans
...Click here
USA, IA: Toppling Goliath Brewing Co. could be headed to Des Moines
...Click here
USA, PA: Pittsburgh Brewing Co. puts name on soon-to-be-opened brewery in East Deer
...Click here
USA, IN: Books & Brews in Carmel City Center to close for good on October 2
...Click here
USA, IN: Rad Brewing Co. to close for good in late November
...Click here
USA, FL: Cape Canaveral brewing operation transitions from Florida Beer Company to Carib Brewery
...Click here
USA, ME: Brewer restaurant will return to its roots with 2nd location in downtown Old Town
...Click here
World: Diageo hails solid start to its new financial year
...Click here
Singapore: ThaiBev still considers listing of its beer subsidiary - CEO
...Click here
South Africa: Distell Group Holdings reports “satisfactory progress” in negotiations of its potential acquisition by Heineken
...Click here
Namibia: Namibia Breweries offered to sell off its investment in Heineken South Africa
...Click here
Brazil: Beer prices hike seen as positive by analysts
...Click here
Nigeria: Guinness Nigeria declares final dividend for financial year ended June 30
...Click here
Japan: Brewers unveiling new products to meet demand for low-alcoholic drinks
...Click here
South Africa: Sale of alcohol is now fully permitted as South Africa moves to lockdown level 1
...Click here
Graph of the Week
Table of the Week
Italy Beer Market 1999 - 2020
Prices Evolution
Barley Prices
Theoretical Malt Prices
These Days in Business History
30 September
1452 - 1st book published, Johann Guttenberg's Bible
1988 - IBM announces shipment of 3 millionth PS/2 personal computer
1997 - Microsoft Corp releases Internet Explorer 4.0
01 October
1874 - Rotterdam opens drink water pipes
1888 - National Geographic magazine publishes for 1st time
1898 - Dutch railway Alkmaar-Receiver opens
1958 - NASA is created
02 October
1608 - Prototype of modern reflecting telescope completed by Jan Lippershey
1866 - J Osterhoudt patents tin can with key opener
1956 - 1st atomic power clock exhibited in New York City
03 October
1906 - SOS adopted as warning signal by 1st conference on wireless telegraphy
1922 - 1st facsimile photo send over city telephone lines, Washington, DC
1952 - 1st video recording on magnetic tape, Los Angeles, California
September 2021:
29 - 01 October: Central European Brewers Conference 2021 (Budapest, Hungary)
30 - 02 October: Stockholm Beer & Whisky Festival 2021 (Stockholm, Sweden)
October 2021:
03 - 04: Planete Biere 2021 (Paris, France)
07 - 09: Warsaw Beer Festival 2021 (Warsaw, Poland)
07 - 10: Mondial de la Biere 2021 (Montreal, Canada)
13 - 15: Drink Japan 2021 (Makuhari Messe, Japan)
17 - 20: 14th International Trends in Brewing 'Beer & Society' 2021 (Leuven, Belgium)
18 - 20: Expo Antad & Alimentaria Mexico 2021 (Mexico City, Mexico)
22 - 23: Copenhagen Beer Festival 2021 (Copenhagen, Denmark)
22 - 23: Salon du Brasseur 2021 (Nancy, France)
November 2021:
04 - 09: The European Beer Star 2021 (Munich, Germany)
04 - 05: Sea Brew 2021 (Taipei, Taiwan)
December 2021:
02 - 04: Drink Technology India 2021 (Helipad Exhibition Centre, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India)
07 - 08: Brewers Congress 2021 (The Brewery, 52 Chiswell Street, London, UK)
February 2022:
04 - 06: Finest Spirits 2022 (Munich, Germany)
11 - 14: HoReCa 2022 (Athens, Greece)
15 - 17: Brasil Brau 2022 (Sao Paulo, Brazil)
20 - 23: Beer & Food Attraction 2022 (Rimini Expo Centre, Rimini, Italy)
March 2022:
09 - 12: Festival Brasileiro da Cerveja 2022 (Blumenau, Brazil)
16 - 17: BeerX 2022 (Liverpool, UK)
29 - 31: Beviale Moscow 2022 (Moscow, Russia)
April 2022:
01 - 01: Zythos Beer Festival 2022 (exact dates to be confirmed) (Leuven, Belgium)
May 2022:
02 - 05: Craft Brewers Conference & BrewExpo America 2022 (Minneapolis, MN, USA)
05 - 05: World Beer Cup 2022 (USA)
11 - 13: Craft Beer China 2022 (Shanghai, China)
24 - 27: Beer 2022 (Sochi, Russia)
29 - 01 June: The Brewers of Europe Forum & 38th EBC Congress (Madrid, Spain)
June 2022:
07 - 08: Bev Expo 2022 (Manchester, UK)
10 - 11: Tallinn Craft Beer Weekend 2022 (Tallinn, Estonia)
September 2022:
12 - 16: Drinktec 2022 (Messe Muenchen, Munich, Germany)
News Articles
World: 18% US wheat stocks decline drives agri-commodities prices further upwards
The main driver in the agri-commodities market this week was the grain stocks report from the US Department of Agriculture (USDA); it was released on September 30, reported.
All wheat stocks were down 18% year on year, noted CRM Agri.
Totaling 47.44 mln tonnes, US wheat stocks at the start of September are down 10.28 mln tonnes from 2020, showed the NASS report, leading to higher prices for wheat this week.
“The support for wheat markets pushed Chicago, Paris milling wheat and UK feed wheat higher, breaking above £200 (US$ per ton and making a new contract high,” said the CRM Agri analysts.
Corn stocks were down 36% from September 2020 at 31.4 mln tonnes, however, this is 1.26 mln tonnes higher than the USDA previously estimated and has pressured corn, they said.
Soybean stocks were down 51% year on year, with old crop soybeans stored in all positions on September 1, at 6.97 mln tonnes, 2.21 mln tonnes higher than the 4.76 mln tonnes USDA previous ending stock estimate, and with larger stock estimates, markets fell, reported the UK based oilseed and grain market specialists.
The USDA also released the crops progress report on September 28,
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North America: Dramatic drop in barley yield and quality having widespread implications
Canada barley production forecast is lowered to 6.8 mln tonnes, from 7.1 mln tonnes forecast early in September, RMI Analytics reported at the end
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USA, VT: Vermont Beer Makers to build new $3 mln brewery and taproom in Brattleboro
Springfield-based brewery Vermont Beer Makers plans to move to Brattleboro and build a new $3 million brewery and taproom on Old Ferry Road in Brattleboro, the Bennington Banner reported on September 29.
The plans for the 37,000-square-foot facility are scheduled to come before the Development Review Board on Oct. 20.
Vermont Beer Makers is owned in part by Guilford businessman Paul Belogour, who also owns the Brattleboro Reformer, Bennington Banner and Manchester Journal. State records list the brewery’s other owners as Norman Connell and Borden James.
The new structure at 239 Old Ferry Road would include a taproom as well as space for the brewing operations, according to its Development Review Board permit application. The project cost is an estimated $3 million.
General Manager Kelen Beardsley said the move will allow Vermont Beer Makers to expand its production.
“We’ll have beer available on site as well,” he said. “And hopefully we’ll create a cool little hangout atmosphere place for people to come and have a beer.”
He said the goal is to open there before the end of 2022.
Founded as Trout River Brewing Company in 1996, the brewery was bought in 2014 by Beardsley, Gabe Streeter and Trevor Billings, who moved it to their hometown of
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USA, WA: El Sueñito Brewing hopes to open in Bellingham in May 2022
Osbaldo Hernandez describes El Sueñito Brewing as an intentional enterprise. Thought-through, earnestly considered, and intentional decisions drive El Sueñito Brewing to do that which is best for its own business as well as the community and our human society. It’s the same at Frelard Tamales in Seattle, the other business in which Osbaldo is a partner, the Washington Beer Blog reported on September 27.
The brewery and taproom buildout is underway at the location in Bellingham’s Sunnyland neighborhood, with a hopeful opening date of May 2022, but El Sueñito Brewing will deliver more than beer to the people of Bellingham.
The brewery that Osbaldo and his husband, Dennis, are opening did not land in Bellingham by accident. The couple has enjoyed a long-term love affair with Whatcom County, but that’s not the only reason for picking the location. Beyond the natural splendor of the place, and its proximity to so many outdoor opportunities, Bellingham is the kind of community that will welcome a business owned by a married, gay, Latino couple. That was an important consideration.
“We are a new business to the city but we are not new to Bellingham,” said Osbaldo. “Both my husband and I have been hanging out and
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USA, MA: Break Rock Brewing says construction already underway in Quincy
Quincy’s License Board has approved several licenses for a new brewery and taproom in Quincy's Marina Bay, The Patriot Ledger reported on September 29.
Representatives for Break Rock Brewing say construction is already underway at 534 Victory Road for a 10-barrel craft brewery and taproom of approximately 5,000 square feet and an outdoor patio of about 340 square feet.
Owner James Southwood told the Quincy License Board that plans have "been a long time coming."
"We've been looking for a home in Quincy for about three years. Then we got hit with the pandemic, which slowed things down for us," he said.
Southwood said Quincy is currently the largest community in the state without a brewery. There are about a dozen spread across the South Shore in communities like Weymouth, Braintree, Scituate, Marshfield and Plymouth.
"We are really, really excited to fill that void, build a community, welcome people into our tap room and provide a welcoming atmosphere in a great location," Southwood said.
Southwood was warned that Marina Bay has its own noise restrictions, and a representative from the landlord's office also said he was concerned about noise filtering to the 350 apartments above the brewery. Southwood said construction has included sound dampening.
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USA, SC: Magnetic South Brewery already open in downtown Anderson
Two sweeping new anchors in downtown Anderson — a brewery and a hotel — have opened this week, the Anderson Independent Mail reported on September 30.
It'll be the third and largest brewery.
And it'll be the second and largest hotel.
Anderson Mayor Terence Roberts said he is excited at the growth, he went to Magnetic South Brewery during a soft opening last weekend and has seen the hotel's inviting spaces too.
"These are good additions to downtown," he said.
It'll be a family-friendly brewery, said Adam "Cuzzin" Willier, a former brewer with Thomas Creek Brewery and one of the trio of owners.
The Magnetic South building has tall ceilings in an industrial-looking space (a former grocery store and most recently a CarQuest Auto Parts store) with brick walls and large windows. There are a few arcade games, there's a Tonka truck and other playthings.
The idea is to make an inviting space for people, and their dogs, to hang out and spend time, Willier said.
There are several non-alcoholic offerings, including glass Coke products.
There are four garage doors on the side, those will become windows once a city project is finished in a few weeks, creating an outdoor space in downtown.
But it's impossible to ignore that it's
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USA, IL: Black & Gray Brewing Co. moving forward with expansion plans
Black & Gray Brewing Co. in East Dundee is moving forward with construction that will more than double taproom space and triple production abilities at its location at 311 Barrington Ave., the Daily Herald reported on September 27.
The brewery will be taking over the vacant unit to the east of its current space. The expansion will increase the size of the brewery and taproom from 2,500 square foot to 6,000 square foot, plus additional patio space.
"Eventual expansion became the plan shortly after we opened," said Chris Kennedy, director of brewery operations. "Production-wise, we were hitting our year 4 projections in our first year and we brew on a very small brewhouse. When COVID shutdowns occurred, we pivoted to distribution to keep us afloat. Now that the taproom is back open and we have a solid distribution footprint in the Fox Valley, we can't brew enough beer to supply both parts of the business. We've had to bring guest taps in for the taproom, and we have multiple distribution deals waiting on us to increase our capacity so we can supply them with beer."
Black & Gray Brewing Co. will be installing a 5 BBL brewhouse built by Blichmann Engineering, as well
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USA, IA: Toppling Goliath Brewing Co. could be headed to Des Moines
Iowa's most-acclaimed brewery could be headed to Des Moines, reported.
Decorah's Toppling Goliath Brewing Co. released a public proposal on September 27 asking developers to consider housing a permanent brewery and taproom in the capital of the state.
“We spend a lot of time looking at some of the different great cities and locations in Iowa. We really do think Des Moines is a great fit,” Clark Lewey, owner and founder of Toppling Goliath, told the Register. “We’ve been working with local developers, and we want to find the right spot.”
The proposal does not specify a timeline, but a spokesperson for Toppling Goliath said the maker of brews including Pseudo Sue pale ale, Pompeii IPA and Dorothy's New World Lager is ready to break into the Des Moines market when it finds the right location.
The site criteria in the proposal includes 15,000 to 20,000 square feet of indoor space to house both a taproom and brewery and at least 3,000 square feet of outdoor bar space in the Des Moines metro. Toppling Goliath intends to include a full-service restaurant, private event space and a gift shop in the future location.
This would be the first location outside Decorah for the craft brewery.
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USA, PA: Pittsburgh Brewing Co. puts name on soon-to-be-opened brewery in East Deer
Those traveling along Route 28 will see a new addition to the East Deer brewery being developed as the new home of Iron City Beer, TribLIVE reported on September 30.
Company spokeswoman Anna Angotti said signage displaying “Pittsburgh Brewing Co.” was installed on the sprawling, 140,000-square-foot facility over the weekend.
“We are making small progress every day,” she said.
General Manager Todd Zwicker said more signage, such as a logo, will be added to the building’s roof ridge. He estimates the building will have more branding by early November to help catch the attention of the 48,000 cars that pass by it each day.
“It’ll be very recognizable and highly active with consumers,” he said.
Pittsburgh Brewing Co. has continued to make progress to its production site. It previously housed Pittsburgh Glass Works, which closed in 2018. It originally was Pittsburgh Plate Glass’ (later PPG Industries) Works No. 1.
Zwicker said the brewery is aiming to open next year.
Zwicker said all the equipment has been ordered, and the company hopes to conduct test brewing by the end of the year. The company did not provide an estimate on how many people it would employ when it opens.
Since its Lawrenceville location closed in 2009 after 148 years,
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USA, IN: Books & Brews in Carmel City Center to close for good on October 2
Books & Brews in Carmel City Center will close Oct. 2, the Current reported on September 29.
Owners Alex and Lori Stanley announced the news Sept. 22 in a social media post.
“The pandemic has brought many changes to our lives, including that of this business,” they stated. “Our customers have been amazing and supported us through those tough beginning months and thereafter. But as the pandemic continues, we have decided to close.”
The Carmel Books & Brews opened in 2017 at 61 W. City Center Dr. and was the company’s first franchise. Remaining locations will be the original brewery in northeast Indianapolis and in Zionsville, Brownsburg, Noblesville and south Indianapolis.
USA, IN: Rad Brewing Co. to close for good in late November
Rad Brewing Co.—which was known as Flat12 Bierwerks before being acquired two years ago—plans to close for good in late November, according to owner Jason Wuerfel, the Indianapolis Business Journal reported on September 29.
In an announcement published by Indiana Beer News, Wuerfel said the brewery at 414 Dorman St. in the Holy Cross neighborhood east of downtown would start a “fire sale” on Wednesday, September 29 involving everything from “the windows to the walls.”
Wuerfel, who also is founder and principal owner of Indianapolis-based Books & Brews, said the Rad Brewing would operate only on Fridays and Saturdays starting next week and would call it quits at the end of the day on Nov. 27.
Until then, six-packs and growlers of beer, brewery merchandise and glassware will be heavily discounted for clearance.
“First, we want to give a huge thank you to all the Rad Brewing Co. faithful that have stuck with us through thick and thin during the global pandemic,” he said in the announcement. “It’s been a difficult couple of years and it’s never easy to wind down a business, but we want to reward everyone who has stuck with us with the best deals possible.”
In a May announcement on Facebook,
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USA, FL: Cape Canaveral brewing operation transitions from Florida Beer Company to Carib Brewery
The changes have been underway since June, but as of Tuesday, September 28, Florida Beer Company is no more. Carib Brewery USA and the 321 Lime House taproom are now officially part of Cape Canaveral, the Rever MSN Music reported.
Trinidad-based ANSA McAL purchased the brewery in 2016, said Carib Brewery marketing director Asa Sealy, but the name remained the same. Now the company wants to unify its brand.
Carib breweries have operated in Trinidad and Tobago, Grenada and St. Kitts and Nevis since the 1950s and '60s.
"Everybody was operating on their own," Sealy said. "We're bringing everybody in as a family."
In the coming years, the company has plans to acquire breweries in other parts of the world, he said.
Florida Beer Company's name changed in June, Sealy said. As of this week, the 321 Lime House taproom and a spacious new outdoor patio have been unveiled, offering the Space Coast a taste of Caribbean hospitality.
Across the Caribbean, "lime" means a gathering or a party, Sealy said. The plan is to open Lime Houses in other zip codes where Carib has holdings.
Sealy described the Cape Canaveral brewery as an innovation hub for the company.
"People who come here can taste things that
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USA, ME: Brewer restaurant will return to its roots with 2nd location in downtown Old Town
When Jeff Solari stepped inside 266 Main St. in downtown Old Town last November, he told the building’s owner he thought it would have to be torn down, the Bangor Daily News reported on September 28.
Almost a year later, Solari is opening up a second location of his Brewer restaurant Kosta’s in the building, he said. He expects the restaurant to open in mid to late November.
The opening will mark a homecoming for Kosta’s, which was located in the same spot before Yamas Bar and Grill opened there in 2010. It also marks another development in Old Town as the downtown area gradually recovers from a fire two years ago that ripped through the same block.
The building, which is more than 100 years old, was home to Yamas — a Greek and seafood restaurant that is now located in Orono — at the time of the fire in September 2019.
It sustained heavy smoke and water damage as a result of that blaze. At one point, you could see water pouring in whenever it rained from a hole in the ceiling down to the first floor, Solari said.
“Honestly, when we met last November, I was sure the building had to be
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World: Diageo hails solid start to its new financial year
Diageo has reported strong recent trading, with a better-than-expected recovery in Europe, despite mounting supply chain woes, the Insider reported on September 30.
The beer
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Singapore: ThaiBev still considers listing of its beer subsidiary - CEO
Thai Beverage still considers the listing of its beer subsidiary as the most viable way of raising funds for further expansion, Southeast Asia's major
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Belgium: Number of breweries reaches 400
The number of breweries in Belgium is constantly increasing, passing from 133 in 2010 to 400 in 2021, according to the Belgian association of
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South Africa: Distell Group Holdings reports “satisfactory progress” in negotiations of its potential acquisition by Heineken
Distell Group Holdings said on September 29 that “satisfactory progress” had been made regarding its potential transaction following a bid by Heineken, Europe’s biggest
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Namibia: Namibia Breweries offered to sell off its investment in Heineken South Africa
Listed Namibia Breweries Limited (NBL) has received an offer to sell off its loss-making investment in Heineken South Africa for an undisclosed amount, The
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Brazil: Beer prices hike seen as positive by analysts
This week’s news of high prices at Ambev from October onwards was seen as positive by analysts, even more so as more information was revealed about this readjustment, local media reported.
The rise in the prices of Ambev products, which owns the Brahma, Skol and Corona brands, should vary between 5% and 10%, depending on the product and the region. According to the Brazilian Association of Bars and Restaurants (Abrasel), the increase in prices in São Paulo should be greater, around 10%, while the expectation of readjustment in other states is between 6% and 8%.
According to Credit Suisse, the news is positive, supporting the industry’s pricing power to mitigate headwinds for 2022. “Prices vary between channels, brands, packages and regions, noting Ambev’s more flexible approach to its launch,” reinforce the analysts.
Analysts at BBI pointed out that while the company said in its 2021 second quarter earnings conference call that it was considering an October price increase, consensus estimates would not be fully reflecting this price increase.
Levante Ideias de Investimentos also points out that Ambev has been suffering from the high prices of its main inputs, with the company’s cost of goods sold (COGS) per hectolitre in Brazil jumping 18% in the
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Nigeria: Guinness Nigeria declares final dividend for financial year ended June 30
Guinness Nigeria Plc Monday in Lagos declared a final dividend of N0.46k per 50 kobo ordinary share, translating to N1.01 billion for the financial year ended June 30, 2021, This Day Live reported on September 29.
The company’s secretary, Rotimi Odusola in a statement on Nigerian Exchange Limited (NGX) explained that, “On 20th October 2021, dividends will be paid electronically to shareholders whose names appear on the Register of Members as at 28th September 2021, and who have completed the e-dividend registration and mandated the Registrar to pay their dividends directly into their Bank accounts.”
It is pertinent to note that the final dividend of 46 kobo per share, which is subject to appropriate withholding tax and approval will be paid on all of the company’s 2,190,382,819 outstanding shares. This puts the total amount to be disbursed as final dividends N1, 007,576,096.74.
Based on its impressive performance for the period, a dividend of 46 kobo per share, totaling over N1 billion was declared for the period. Guinness Nigeria closed trading on Monday, September 27 at N30 per share.
The multinational company had announced its audited results for the period ended June 30, 2021 revealing a 110per cent increase in profit after tax to N1.25billion
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Japan: Brewers unveiling new products to meet demand for low-alcoholic drinks
Japan's alcoholic beverage makers are unveiling new products to meet the rising demand for low-alcoholic drinks from health-conscious consumers or those drinking more at home due to the pandemic, EconoTimes reported on September 30.
Many of those drinkers aren't satisfied with non-alcoholic drinks.
Asahi Breweries Ltd. released the low-alcohol Asahi Hiball, which is mixed with malt whisky brewed by its subsidiary the Nikka Whisky Distilling Co., and Beery, a beer-like beverage.
The 0.5-percent alcohol version of a highball, which boasts an authentic aroma and flavor, is available in 350-milliliter cans that sell for 195 yen, while a 3-percent alcohol version is priced at 199 yen.
Meanwhile, the Beery targets first-time drinkers and consumers in their 20s and 30s who are shying away from regular beer. It has seen high sales since being released nationwide in June.
Asahi also made the Beery available in small bottles for restaurant operators since September.
Sapporo Breweries Ltd. released the Drafty, a beer-like beverage with an alcohol content of 0.7 percent.
It is brewed from 100-percent malt and crafted to produce a savory malt flavor, the company said.
Asahi plans to increase its sales ratio of products with an alcohol content of 3.5 percent or less to all alcohol-related beverages for home consumption
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South Africa: Sale of alcohol is now fully permitted as South Africa moves to lockdown level 1
The sale of alcohol is now permitted from Monday to Sunday as South Africa moves to lockdown level 1 from Friday, October 1, SowetanLIVE reported.
This was announced by President Cyril Ramaphosa when he addressed the nation from the Union Buildings in the evening on September 30.
Ramaphosa announced that indoor gatherings will now be allowed to accommodate up to 750 people from 250, while outdoor gatherings can have up to 2,000 people.
The attendance of funerals will be allowed for up to 100 people from 50, while night vigils and after-tears parties remain prohibited, said Ramaphosa.
The curfew will now move to midnight, while bars, restaurants and night clubs can open until 11pm to allow employees to get home before midnight.
"The current trends in the progression of the pandemic mean that a number of the restrictions in place can be eased, as per the recommendations of the Ministerial Advisory Committee on Covid-19. Following meetings of the National Coronavirus Command Council and the President’s Coordinating Council, cabinet has decided to move South Africa from adjusted alert level 2 to adjusted alert level 1 from midnight tonight," Ramaphosa said.
"The sale of alcohol – for both off-site and on-site consumption – will be permitted, according
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