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E-Malt.com Flash 50a December 07 - December 09, 2015
Quote of the Week
Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle.
Abraham Lincoln
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Currency Rates
Base Currency: Euro on December 09, 2015 |
Base Currency: US Dollar on December 09, 2015 |
1 EUR = 1.0875 USD
1 EUR = 0.7271 GBP
1 EUR = 1.4793 CAD
1 EUR = 1.5099 AUD
1 EUR = 133.6400 JPY
1 EUR = 4.1297 BRL
1 EUR = 75.3111 RUB
1 EUR = 6.9795 CNY
1 USD = 0.9206 EUR
1 USD = 0.6656 GBP
1 USD = 1.3543 CAD
1 USD = 1.3832 AUD
1 USD = 123.0800 JPY
1 USD = 3.8180 BRL
1 USD = 69.3026 RUB
1 USD = 6.4167 CNY

Currency Rates Chart

Equities of the Largest Breweries
Average Market Prices Change Trend
December 09, 2015 |
Type |
Crop 2015 |
Crop 2016 |
% |
% |
2rs Barley |
177.00-179.00 |  |
190.00-192.00 | 0.52% |
6rw Barley |
159.00-161.00 | 1.27% |
167.00-169.00 |  |
2rs Malt |
368.00-370.00 |  |
383.00-385.00 | 0.32% |
6rw Malt |
346.00-348.00 | 0.71% |
355.00-357.00 |  |
Feed Barley |
156.00-158.00 | 1.26% |
nq | |
Note: Just click
and you will be led to our Market Price History. These are average French barley market prices estimated on FOB Creil basis. The theoretical average malt prices are based FOB Antwerp being estimated on French malting barley. The changes are compared to last Newsletter's prices. Arrows indicate the direction of the change.
USA: AB InBev CEO says deal with SABMiller will increase competition on the US beer market
...Click here
USA: Lawmakers worry AB InBev’s takeover of SABMiller will hurt craft brewing industry
...Click here
Japan: Asahi’s January – November beer sales decline by 2%
...Click here
Canada: Barley crop this year pegged at 8.2 mln tonnes
...Click here
Australia: Barley production forecast to rise by 2% in 2015-16
...Click here
China: China’s beer market inspires optimism in EU craft brewers
...Click here
USA: North Carolina legislators ask the Senate to investigate MillerCoors’ decision to close brewery in Eden
...Click here
New Zealand: Brewers waiting for law facilitating sales of low and zero alcohol beer in supermarkets
...Click here
Ireland: Spring barley area expected to decline further next year
...Click here
Ukraine: Barley exports in October reach record level but July-October exports still below last year’s
...Click here
EU: Stone Brewing Co. starts sales of its craft beers in Europe
...Click here
Graph of the week
Table of the week
EU - 28 Barley Crop 2015f
Prices Evolution
Barley Prices
Theoretical Malt Prices

Scientific Digest
What is the influence of hard resins on the reactions
in beer during storage? This was the question
of this Japanese research team. For this work
the compositional changes of hard resins were
investigated using a beer aging model. The hard
resins contained a series of alpha-acid oxides. Among
them, 4'-hydroxyallohumulinones proved to be
unstable during beer storage. In conclusion these
researchers were able to show that compositional
changes in the hard resins derived from stored hops
that occur in beer during storage are attributed
mainly to the proton-catalyzed cyclization reaction
of 4'-hydroxyallohumulinones. Novel polycyclic
compounds, namely, scorpiohumulinols and
dicyclohumulinols have been identified and shown to
be stable relative to their precursors. Still it is unclear
what the sensory consequences of these changes are;
this need to be investigated.
Read more
Source: Barth Innovations
These Days in Business History
07 December 1877 - Thomas A Edison demonstrates the gramophone 1926 - Gas refrigerator patented 1941 - Japanese attack Pearl Harbor (a date that will live in infamy) 1945 - Microwave oven patented
08 December 1794 - 1st issue of Herald of Rutland, VT published 1863 - Abraham Lincoln announces plan for Reconstruction of South 1923 - Salary and price freeze in Germany 1993 - Dow-Jones hits record 3734.53
09 December 1793 - Noah Webster establishes New York's 1st daily newspaper, American Minerva 1843 - P Paul Leroy-Beaulieu French economist is born 1905 - French Assembly National votes for separation of church & state 1916 - P Paul Leroy-Beaulieu French economist (Economist France), dies at 73 1967 - Nicolae Ceausescu becomes President (dictator) of Romania 1968 - Doug Engelbart demonstrates first computer mouse at Stanford

February 2016:
05-07: Alltech Craft Brews & Food Fair 2016 (Dublin, Ireland)
06-07: Bruges Beer Festival 2016 (Bruges, Belgium)
17-20: Camra's National Winter Ales Festival 2016 (Derby, UK)
19-21: Finest Spirits 2016 (Munich, Germany)
20-23: Beer Attraction 2016 (Rimini, Italy)
26-28: Brau Kunst Live 2016 (Munich, Germany)
March 2016:
01-03: ProPak Vietnam 2016 (Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam)
04-06: Barcelona Beer Festival 2016 (Barcelona, Spain)
07-09: VLB Brewing and Engineering Conference 2016 (Soest, Germany)
09-12: Brazilian Beer Festival 2016 (Blumenau, Brazil)
14-18: IBD Asia Pacific Convention 2016 (Sydney, Australia)
16-18: BeerX 2016 (Sheffield, UK)
16-18: Expo Antad & Alimentaria Mexico 2016 (Mexico City, Mexico)
April 2016:
03-07: Trends in Brewing 2016 (Ghent, Belgium)
07-09: Warsaw Beer Festival 2016 (Warsaw, Poland)
15-16: Helsinki Beer Festival 2016 (Helsinki, Finland)
23-24: Zythos Beer Festival 2016 (Leuven, Belgium)
May 2016:
03-06: Craft Brewers Conference & BrewExpo America 2016 (Philadelphia, USA)
17-20: Beer (Pivo) 2016 (Sochi, Russia)
19-21: Copenhagen Beer Festival 2016 (Copenhagen, Denmark)
20-18 June: Great Australian Beer Spectacular (GABS) 2016 (Melbourne - Sydney - Auckland, Australia)
25-29: Latvia Beer Fest 2016 (Riga, Latvia)
June 2016:
08-12: Mondial de la Biere 2016 (Montreal, Canada)
09-11: South Beer Cup 2016 (Curitiba, Brazil)
14-16: Shanghai International Brew & Beverage Manufacturing Technology and Equipment 2016 (Shanghai, China)
July 2016:
07-10: Artbeerfest 2016 (Caminha, Portugal)
13-15: ProPack China 2016 (Shanghai, China)
August 2016:
05-07: The 20th International Berlin Beer Festival (Berlin, Germany)
09-13: The Great British Beer Festival 2016 (London, UK)
10-13: Vietfood & Beverage - ProPack 2016 (Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam)
13-17: World Brewing Congress 2016 (Denver, USA)
September 2016:
08-10: Irish Craft Beer Festival 2016 (Dublin, Ireland)
14-15: Food and Drink Technology Africa 2016 (Johannesburg, South Africa)
19-03 October: Oktoberfest 2016 (Munich, Germany)
24-25: Whisky Live Paris 2016 (Paris, France)
26-28: VLB Ibero-American VLB Symposium 2016 (Santiago de Chile, Chile)
28-30: Beer and Soft Drinks Industry - 2016 (Kyiv, Ukraine)
29-01 October: Stockholm Beer & Whisky Festival 2016 (Stockholm, Sweden)
October 2016:
06-08: Stockholm Beer & Whisky Festival 2016 (Stockholm, Sweden)
06-08: Great American Beer Festival 2016 (Denver, USA)
11-14: China Brew, China Beverage 2016 (Shanghai, China)
November 2016:
08-10: Brau Beviale 2016 (Nuremberg, Germany)
09-12: Vietfood & Beverage - ProPack 2016 (Hanoi, Vietnam)
December 2016:
15-17: drink technology India 2016 (Mumbai, India)
More events are available on site e-malt.com
Brewery News
USA: AB InBev CEO says deal with SABMiller will increase competition on the US beer market
Anheuser-Busch InBev NV Chief Executive Officer Carlos Brito, attempting to allay concerns of U.S. lawmakers and craft brewers about the company’s proposed $110 billion
...More info on site
USA: Lawmakers worry AB InBev’s takeover of SABMiller will hurt craft brewing industry
Anheuser-Busch InBev, the world's biggest brewer, faced tough questions on December 8 from U.S. lawmakers unhappy over its plan to buy SABMiller due to
...More info on site
Japan: Asahi’s January – November beer sales decline by 2%
Japan’s Asahi Group reported its November beer sales declined by 3% as compared to the same month in 2014.
In January – November this year,
...More info on site
China: China’s beer market inspires optimism in EU craft brewers
Eddie Schweda, the owner of Danish microbrewery, Midtfyns Bryghus, has just returned from a promotional tour to China, where his products are already selling well, GBTimes reported on December 8.
“We had beer tastings in Shanghai and Chiangsha where we got a very positive response,” he said.
“Chinese consumers are very responsive to our products. They demand more quality than what the typical binge-drinking products can offer and understand that specialized beers are products of enjoyment,” Eddie Schweda explains.
China is already a huge beer market with the Chinese consuming 54 billion litres of beer in 2014, the majority made by domestic producers. According to a EU-SME report, China also imported 335 million litres of beer, a year-on-year increase of 85.4 per cent.
The majority of China's beer import is, according to the report, coming out of European breweries, and estimates say that the Chinese growth in beer import is only going to increase.
“Everything we see and everything we hear points to that direction,” says Eddie Schweda. “There are many copied products on the Chinese market, but the Chinese consumer demands more than that. More Chinese consumers can afford to buy imported beer, and they do that because they want
...More info on site
USA: North Carolina legislators ask the Senate to investigate MillerCoors’ decision to close brewery in Eden
North Carolina state legislators have asked the U.S. Senate to investigate MillerCoors’ decision to close its brewery in Eden, Greensboro.com reported on December 7.
The plant’s closure, announced in September, will eliminate more than 500 jobs in the city.
Senate President Pro Tem Phil Berger and Rep. Bert Jones, both Republicans, sent a letter co-signed by 112 state lawmakers to the U.S. Senate’s Antitrust, Competition Policy and Consumer Rights subcommittee of which North Carolina’s U.S. Sen. Thom Tillis is a member.
According to the letter, the legislators want representatives of MillerCoors’ parent company, SABMiller, to explain why it announced the closing of Eden’s brewery three days before it began merger discussions with Budweiser’s parent company, AB InBev.
The legislators also want to know whether the decision was made in advance of the merger so the combined companies would not be labeled a monopoly by the U.S. Department of Justice.
“Given that in the last few years alone MillerCoors has approved new contracts for local brewery workers, signed a 25-year agreement with the city of Eden and undertaken a 70,000 square-foot facility expansion, why would it shut down the brewery after those major investments?” the legislators wrote.
The Associated Press reported in November that when the merger
...More info on site
New Zealand: Brewers waiting for law facilitating sales of low and zero alcohol beer in supermarkets
New Zealand’s low and zero alcohol beer producers fear losing out on bumper summer profits because a law change allowing their drinks to be stocked in the booze aisle for the first time, will not happen fast enough, stuff.co.nz reported on December 6.
A bill changing the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012 was due to be introduced into parliament on Monday, December 7, but will not come into force until next year at the earliest.
The wording of the Act has means beer and wine with alcohol levels of 1.15 per cent and below must to be kept separate from more potent drinks, which have to be displayed within a designated area to limit shoppers' exposure to them.
Brewers welcomed the law change last week, but said the outdated rules continued to make their low alcohol drinks harder to find.
They fear missing out on bigger sales as temperatures rise and shoppers buy alcohol for Christmas and summer parties.
Brewers' Guild of New Zealand president Emma McCashin said there had been a huge rise in demand and development of the zero per cent and low alcohol beer market in New Zealand, following a global trend.
"We want this to continue, but not being able
...More info on site
EU: Stone Brewing Co. starts sales of its craft beers in Europe
Stone Brewing Co. started sales of its craft beers in Europe on December 7, in advance of the Escondido, CA-based company’s full-scale opening of its Berlin production and restaurant facilities in March 2016, NBC-San Diego reported.
A Stone Brewing statement said the beer-maker has begun small-batch production in a 10-hectoliter pilot brewhouse in Germany, and those beers will debut Monday, December 7 at more than 40 locations – including bars and restaurants – in Germany, Belgium, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Spain and the United Kingdom.
Officials said the pilot brewery will be joined in spring by a 100-hectoliter brewhouse in Berlin, which will produce a variety of Stone’s year-round beers and special releases. In addition to the main brewery, the Berlin site will also house a packaging hall, restaurant and gardens, which are all nearing completion.
Stone’s first beers being brewed and sold in Europe include Stone IPA, Arrogant Bastard Ale and Stone Xocoveza. Stone IPA was kegged on Dec. 7 and delivered the same day to participating bars in Berlin.
Started in 1996 by Greg Koch and Steve Wagner, Stone Brewing is the ninth-largest craft beer brewer in the U.S. based on production volume, and the largest of more than 100 brewers based
...More info on site
Barley News
Canada: Barley crop this year pegged at 8.2 mln tonnes
Canada’s 2015/16 barley crop was pegged at 8.2 million tonnes by Statistics Canada on December 4.
That is well above average trade guesses and
...More info on site
Australia: Barley production forecast to rise by 2% in 2015-16
Australia’s barley production is forecast to rise by 2 per cent to around 8.2 million tonnes in 2015-16, ABARES said in their December report.
...More info on site
Ireland: Spring barley area expected to decline further next year
Ireland’s area of spring barley is set to decline further in 2016, according to Teagasc.
In its update on the estimated winter crop areas for 2016 it said the autumn of 2015 has been very favourable for drilling winter crops.
Consequently, it says the area of winter cereals is estimated to have risen slightly for harvest 2016 to 146,000 ha.
Teagasc says the reason for this trend of increasing drillings of winter barley is due to the 2/3 crop rule and its reliable performance in recent years.
It says the area of winter wheat has risen this autumn, most likely due to the favourable drilling conditions but also due to the high yields in 2015 and price differential over barley.
According to Teagasc, it is likely that the area of spring barley will decline further in 2016 to balance most of the increased winter cereal area.
The area of spring barley fell once again in 2015 to 132,400 ha, mainly as a result of the 2/3 crop rule.
It said winter crops have enjoyed relatively good conditions since drilling and it has been an excellent autumn for plant establishment with the majority of crops having very high plant counts.
Winter barley crops are quite advanced (gs 23-24) while
...More info on site
Ukraine: Barley exports in October reach record level but July-October exports still below last year’s
In October 2015, Ukraine exported 414.1 thousand tonnes of barley. Despite the fact that it was a record high monthly level since season 2009/10 (807.5 thousand tonnes of barley were exported in October 2009), during four months of the 2015/16 season exports of barley from Ukraine were still 11% lower than last year, Black Sea Grain reported on December 3.
This season, China and Japan joined the major importers of Ukrainian barley and significantly increased their purchases compared to last year.
From July till October 2015, China imported more than 444.7 thousand tonnes of barley from Ukraine against 250.9 thousand in season 2014/15. And during the first four months of the season Japan has already imported 300% more barley from Ukraine than during the whole last season (147 thousand tonnes in July-October 2015 compared with 33.5 thousand tonnes in 2014/15). Thus, these countries imported 20% of all barley exported from Ukraine in the current season compared to 3.4% during the same period last year.