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E-Malt.com Flash 21b
May 21 - May 24, 2015

Quote of the Week

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Currency Rates

Base Currency: Euro
on May 22, 2015
Base Currency: US Dollar
on May 22, 2015
      1 EUR = 1.1133 USD
1 EUR = 0.7099 GBP
1 EUR = 1.3600 CAD
1 EUR = 1.4112 AUD
1 EUR = 134.7900 JPY
1 EUR = 3.3530 BRL
1 EUR = 55.5714 RUB
1 EUR = 6.8980 CNY
      1 USD = 0.8990 EUR
1 USD = 0.6405 GBP
1 USD = 1.2200 CAD
1 USD = 1.2675 AUD
1 USD = 121.0900 JPY
1 USD = 3.0127 BRL
1 USD = 49.7108 RUB
1 USD = 6.0801 CNY

Currency Rates Chart

Equities of the Largest Breweries

Breweries Equities

Average Market Prices Change Trend

May 22, 2015
Type Crop 2014 Crop 2015
2rs Barley 172.00-174.00 - 192.00-194.00 up1.05%
6rw Barley 166.00-168.00 down0.60% 176.00-178.00 up0.57%
2rs Malt 365.00-367.00 - 385.50-387.50 up0.64%
6rw Malt 357.50-359.50 down0.34% 366.00-368.00 up0.34%
Feed Barley 166.00-168.00up1.21% nq 

Note: Just click here and you will be led to our Market Price History. These are average French barley market prices estimated on FOB Creil basis. The theoretical average malt prices are based FOB Antwerp being estimated on French malting barley. The changes are compared to last Newsletter's prices. Arrows indicate the direction of the change.

Top Industry News

Brewery news World: Latest beer sales figures disappoint ...Click here
Brewery news China: Of the top ten beer brands around the world, four are Chinese ...Click here

Barley news France: Winter barley acreage expected to increase, spring to decline drastically ...Click here
Barley news Canada: Canada’s barley use to decrease both in 2014-15 and 2015-16 ...Click here
Barley news Australia: Old barley crop campaign virtually finished with fast sales due to Chinese demand ...Click here

More Industry News

Brewery news USA: India pale ales booming across the United States ...Click here
Brewery news Jamaica: J. Wray & Nephew re-enters Jamaica’s beer market with European-style Stag beer ...Click here
Brewery news Denmark & Russia: Carlsberg cuts about 180 jobs to save money ...Click here
Brewery news Poland: Beer and cigarettes export increases last year ...Click here

Graph of the week

Table of the week

Africa Barley Imports, Production, Consumption, and Stocks

Table of the week.
Prices Evolution

Prices evolution

Barley Prices

Theoretical Malt Prices

Scientific Digest

Is it all about the ratio?

Listening to the best recognized research team in flavour chemistry, that would be the correct conclusion. Summarising the results of 25 years of research on all kind of different foods, this German research team says that their meta-analysis demonstrates characteristic ratios of only about 3 to 40 genuine key odorants for each food (of more than 220 investigated), from a toolbox of ~230 out of ~10,000 food volatiles. They conclude that the foodborn stimulus space has co-evolved with, and roughly matched our ~400 olfactory receptors as best natural agonists. The key odorants can be classified into two groups of volatiles: 1) high-threshold volatiles reaching their odor impact by their high levels in foods, e.g. the high odor thresholds of 16 and 13 Mg/L for acetaldehyde and (R)-limonene respectively, are compensated by the high concentrations of 6150 and 2308 Mg/L found for these odorants in hand-squeezed grapefruit juice, and 2) trace level volatiles exceeded their low threshold concentrations at low concentrations, e.g. the grapefruit-like smelling 1-p-menthene-8-thiol (0.01 Mg/L) and the cooked apple-like (E)-B-damascenone (0.9 Mg/L) in grapefruit juice and red wine respectively, which easily exceed their extraordinarily low odor threshold of by a factor of 50 and 90. This is a comprehensive review and with having dry hopped beers in mind, it sounds that if you combine all key odorants of juices, wines and normal beers - there is your dry hopped IPA!

Read more
Source: Barth Innovations

These Days in Business History

21 May
1570 - 1st atlas, with 70 maps, published
1761 - 1st life insurance policy in U.S., issued in Philadelphia
1929 - Automatic electric stock quotation board installed, New York City

22 May
1785 - Benjamin Franklin announces his invention of bifocals
1900 - Associated Press News Service forms in New York
1918 - King Oil/Shell refinery on Curacao officially opens

23 May
1922 - Walt Disney incorporates his 1st film company Laugh-O-Gram Films
1956 - World Trade Center dedicated in Ferry Building, San Francisco
1995 - Sun Microsystems launches Java, the universal Internet programming language
1995 - The first version of the Java programming language is released

24 May
1688 - The earliest known book on the stock market, Joseph Penso de la Vega's Confusion de Confusiones (Confusion of Confusions), appears
1883 - The Brooklyn Bridge in New York City is opened to traffic after 14 years of construction
1956 - The first Eurovision Song Contest is held in Lugano, Switzerland
1973 - The Stock Exchange of Singapore is founded
1985 - Quantum Computer Services is incorporated in Delaware. In 1991 it changes its name to America Online, Inc.


May 2015:
06-08: bevtec Asia 2015 (Bangkok, Thailand)
07-23: The Czech Beer Festival 2015 (Prague, the Czech Republic)
18-20: Beer (Pivo) 2015 (Sochi, Russia)
24-28: EBC 2015 (Porto, Portugal)
26-28: Alimentaria Mexico 2015 (Mexico City, Mexico)
28-30: Copenhagen Beer Festival 2015 (Copenhagen, Denmark)
28-31: Latvia Beer Fest 2015 (Riga, Latvia)

June 2015:
10-14: Mondial de la Biere 2015 (Montreal, Canada)

July 2015:
01-04: Ollesummer 2015 (Tallinn, Estonia)
09-12: Artbeerfest 2015 (Caminha, Portugal)
15-17: Brasil Brau 2015 (Sao Paulo, Brazil)

August 2015:
11-15: The Great British Beer Festival 2015 (London, UK)

September 2015:
19 September - 14 October: Oktoberfest 2015 (Munich, Germany)
24-26: Stockholm Beer & Whisky Festival 2015 (Stockholm, Sweden)

October 2015:
01-03: Stockholm Beer & Whisky Festival 2015 (Stockholm, Sweden)

November 2015:
10-12: Brau Beviale 2015 (Nuremberg, Germany)

More events are available on site e-malt.com

BreweryBrewery News Brewery

Brewery newsWorld: Latest beer sales figures disappoint
The latest reported beer sales figures are disappointing, to put it mildly, H. M. Gauger’s latest report says.

Russian and Ukrainian (Jan/March minus 25%) ...More info on site

Brewery news China: Of the top ten beer brands around the world, four are Chinese
If you live outside of China, you may never had heard of Snow, a pale ale made by SABMiller and China Resources Enterprise. But it has been the top selling beer brand in the world in terms of volume since 2008, when it overtook Bud Light. SABMiller likes to brag that in 2012 it sold enough Snow beer to fill 12 Olympic-sized swimming pools every day for a year, Quartz reported on May 22.

Snow’s primary advantage is that it is sold in the world’s largest beer market. As Quartz has pointed out, China is the biggest beer market in the world by volume, and overtook the US in 2002. (It is now twice as large, but the US still leads in terms of sales value.) Moreover, it’s cheap, as little as 3 renminbi ($0.49) for a 330 ml can, widely distributed, and according to SABMiller, works well with spicy Chinese meals.

As one reviewer explains:

“There are some beers you buy because they taste great and others you buy because they are cheap. Snow fills the latter category quite nicely in China. For 3.80 RMB, or roughly 50 cents, you can have a regular old Euro pale. It is what it is, ...More info on site

Brewery newsUSA: India pale ales booming across the United States
Sales of India pale ales are out of control in the United States, even by craft beer’s already astounding growth standards, Quartz reported on ...More info on site

Brewery news Jamaica: J. Wray & Nephew re-enters Jamaica’s beer market with European-style Stag beer
Jamaica’s beer market is now at least 50 per cent larger than it was when J. Wray & Nephew pulled out in 2010, The Gleaner reported on May 22.

This week the company, more known for its line of world-acclaimed rums, announced that it is re-entering the lager market with Stag - a European style of beer made by the makers of Carib Beer out of Trinidad.

Under its previous owners, Wray & Nephew - then the Lascelles de Mercado Group - had launched its own beer, Kingston 62, but retreated after disappointing sales. The company was controlled by Jamaicans then; now it is owned by Italians, who are taking another swig at the market as a distributor.

Back when the rum distiller suspended selling its four-year-old beer, the domestic market was in decline. Market leader Red Stripe reported a nine per cent fall in domestic sales in 2010, which was followed by a one per cent reduction in revenue from the local market in 2011.

The imported beer market was also squeezed by the introduction of new taxes in 2010. As a result, there was a steady decline in beer imports from US$630,000 in 2009, or about JMD56 million then, to below US$400,000 ...More info on site

Brewery news Denmark & Russia: Carlsberg cuts about 180 jobs to save money
Carlsberg cut about 180 office jobs as the Danish brewer seeks to save money and offset the challenge of a shrinking economy in Russia, where it’s the biggest brewer, Bloomberg reported on May 20.

About 20 percent of the staff at Copenhagen headquarters and regional offices have lost their jobs, the company said in an e-mailed statement on May 20. About 75 positions were eliminated in Denmark.

The measures are intended “to streamline our business and build a more agile organization,” spokesman Jim Daniell said by e-mail. The benefits of the measures will be reflected in 2016 financial targets, he added.

The maker of Kronenbourg promised a revamp to improve profit when it reported earnings earlier this month. Russia, once its crown jewel, has weighed on Carlsberg during the past few years, and the operating loss for its eastern European business widened in the first quarter.

“As we’ve grown as a company, we’ve become more complex and fragmented, and this needs to be addressed,” the brewer said in an internal memo distributed to employees and obtained by Bloomberg. “Global resources (people and money) will be focused on the top 15 markets which have the best chance of driving scale value today and tomorrow. This ...More info on site

Brewery news Poland: Beer and cigarettes export increases last year
Poland’s market share of agricultural products within the European Union is on the increase, thanks to a hike in exports of cigarettes and beer, Rzeczpospolita reported on May 20.

Latest estimates from the Polish Agriculture Ministry show that Poland exported cigarettes to the tune of EUR 432.2 million in the first quarter of 2015.

Exports of Polish beer are also gaining ground, with international sales amounting to EUR 135.7 million, up by 14.5 percent year-on-year.

“Taking into account Poland’s total beer production, it can be ascertained that beer exports remains a niche, although the figure is rising and there is a chance of further rapid development,” comments Danuta Gut, Director of the Management Board at the Union of the Brewing Industry Employers in Poland.

BarleyBarley News Barley

Barley newsFrance: Winter barley acreage expected to increase, spring to decline drastically
Agreste and Arvalis both report a barley acreage of 1.293 mln ha of winter barley vs. 1.117 mln ha last year. 30 - 40% ...More info on site

Barley newsCanada: Canada’s barley use to decrease both in 2014-15 and 2015-16
For 2014-15, Canada’s total domestic barley use is forecast to decrease by 14% to 5.894 mln tonnes as feed use decreases to a new ...More info on site

Barley newsAustralia: Old barley crop campaign virtually finished with fast sales due to Chinese demand
The old barley crop campaign is virtually finished in Australia, the pace of sales was fast, because of Chinese demand and shipping slot terms, ...More info on site

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