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The Statistics section includes Barley statistics, Malt statistics
and Beer statistics. The tables related to barley are published in
Barley Statistics section, the tables related to malt in
Malt Statistics section and the tables related to beer in
Beer Statistics section.
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Just click on the price link and you will be led to our Market
Price History. Average barley market prices are French and are
estimated on FOB Creil basis.
Average Malt Prices are theoretical and based FOB Antwerp being
estimated on French malting barley.
The changes are compared to last Newsletter's
prices. Arrows indicate the direction of the change.
World: SABMiller reports results for the year ended March 31
...Click here
CIS: Efes Breweries International says consolidated sales volume slightly decreased in Q1 2009
...Click here
Denmark: Carlsberg to cut more costs that expected, but not so ‘brutally’ as AB InBev
...Click here
Mexico: Femsa to cut costs, put on hold investments and see a small dip in the current quarter - CEO
...Click here
Germany: Consumers turn to a relative newcomer Oettinger, analysts forecast another good month for beer sales
...Click here
Australia: Foster’s completes purchase of a stake in Fiji and Samoa brewing operations
...Click here
Poland: SABMiller acquires full ownership of its Polish brewing subsidiary
...Click here
South Africa: South African Breweries Ltd reports a 2% drop in lager sales in the twelve months to end March 2009
...Click here
Canada: Western Canada may seed more barley than expected
...Click here
United Kingdom: SABMiller’s UK operation delivers best annual results in its history
...More Info
Canada: Molson Coors Brewing not to shift focus from its most successful Coors Light beer
...More Info
India: SABMiller files second lawsuit against Andhra Pradesh Beverage Corporation Ltd
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Russia: Russians lose taste for imported beer in Q1
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United States & Canada: Molson Coors increases quarterly dividend by 20% unlike other companies
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Nigeria: Diageo’s Guinness Nigeria nearly doubles net profit in its third quarter
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Ukraine: Slavutich Carlsberg Group not to pay dividend on lack of profit
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Japan: Asahi’s new genre beer leads in sales both in April and in the first four months of this year
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Romania: Successful financial year results allow Ursus Breweries to compete for market leadership with Heineken
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Australia: Victoria Bitter loses chare despite Foster’s marketing efforts
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United States: Latest Nielsen’s report shows consumers will drink beer mostly at home when the economy recovers
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Ukraine: Excise duty on beer to be increased by 74%
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Australia: Coopers Brewery says an excellently tuned supply chain is a driving force behind its business
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Ukraine: Obolon brewery to get a UAH80 mln credit for seasonal needs
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World: SABMiller reports results for the year ended March 31
SABMiller plc, the world’s second-largest brewer, reported on May, 14 its preliminary (unaudited) results for the twelve months to 31 March 2009.
SABMiller’s group revenue
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CIS: Efes Breweries International says consolidated sales volume slightly decreased in Q1 2009
Efes Breweries International N.V. (EBI) announced on May, 14 its consolidated unaudited financial results for the three months period ended 31 March 2009 in accordance with IFRS.
In 1Q 2009, EBI’s consolidated sales volume reached 2.5 mln hl, recording a decline of 4.2% over the previous year. On an organic basis*, sales volume declined by 2.8% year‐on‐year. Sales volume decline was due to the continued effect of the economic slowdown in the region combined with the strong base of 1Q 2008, when total and organic sales volume was up by 12.0% and 9.5%, respectively, Efes said.
The downward trend in the Russian beer market continued in the first quarter of 2009 as expected, due to the deteriorating consumer demand as a result of the global financial crisis. In this challenging environment, EBI once again managed to outperform the beer market by realizing 2.0 mln hl sales volume.
The decline in EBI’s sales volume in Russia stood at 5.3% vs. the estimated market decline of 7%. EBI’s market share in Russia was 9.3% in 1Q 2009, slightly over the 9.2% market share it has attained in 1Q 2008. (AC Nielsen).
In Kazakhstan, sales volume grew by 32.3% in 1Q 2009 vs 1Q 2008 and reached
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Denmark: Carlsberg to cut more costs that expected, but not so ‘brutally’ as AB InBev
Carlsberg A/S, the largest brewer in the Nordic countries and Russia, will surpass previous savings forecasts after last year’s joint takeover of Scottish &
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Mexico: Femsa to cut costs, put on hold investments and see a small dip in the current quarter - CEO
Femsa, Latin America's largest brewer and bottler, plans to cut $250 million in costs this year to better handle the economic slowdown, which is
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Germany: Consumers turn to a relative newcomer Oettinger, analysts forecast another good month for beer sales
Last year European governments imposed smoking bans on restaurants, pubs and bars, which led to a large number of closures, especially in the UK.
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Australia: Foster’s completes purchase of a stake in Fiji and Samoa brewing operations
Foster's Group Limited announced on May, 15 it has completed the purchase Fijian Holdings Limited's 29.0% shareholding in Foster's Group Pacific Limited.
The company said
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Poland: SABMiller acquires full ownership of its Polish brewing subsidiary
SABMiller plc announced on May, 14 that it has agreed to acquire the outstanding 28.1% minority interest in its Polish subsidiary, Kompania Piwowarska S.A.,
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South Africa: South African Breweries Ltd reports a 2% drop in lager sales in the twelve months to end March 2009
Following the release of SABMiller plc's preliminary results for the period to end March 2009, the South African Breweries Limited (SAB) has announced on
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Canada: Western Canada may seed more barley than expected
The area seeded to barley by producers in Western Canada may actually be higher than anticipated despite cash bids for the commodity remaining depressed,
...More Info
A Semi-Quantitative Method for the Detection of
Trace Amounts of Native Collagen in Beer
Kathleen Hofman, Kim Bulling, Susan Marshall1 and Terry Chadderton
J. Inst. Brew. 114(3), 257–261, 2008
Concerns about the potential allergenicity of collagen proteins
remaining after beverage fining have necessitated development
of methods to detect collagen in beer at very low concentrations.
We have developed a semi-quantitative SDS-PAGE/densitometer
method suitable for use in brewer’s laboratories, for detection of
residual native collagen at levels as low as 0.03 ppm (depending
on the beer). The method is based on the fibril-forming properties
of collagen molecules at elevated ionic strength. It will not
detect denatured collagens so cannot be used on pasteurised
beers. For a quantitative reference that compensates for significant
differences in beer composition, and the different fining
agents, a known amount of the acid-soluble fraction of the fining
agent is added to the test beer to set limits of detection for the
test. Densitometer results from the SDS-PAGE gels can vary
with sample volume, depending on background interference but
this can be reduced by careful selection of gel loading volumes.
Fining out of the added collagen occurs in some beers, so less
collagen is detected in the reference samples than expected.
However, as long as densitometer readings for the sample are
below those of the spiked reference, then collagen levels can be
declared with confidence as being less than those of the reference.
Key words: Beer, collagen, fining...
Load full article, 5 pages, 6520 Kb, PDF file
Malting and Feed Barley Prices
NB: Prices published are theoretical malt prices including financial cost,
THC (for bulk and bags container) and all administrative costs.
This prices may fluctuate according to the quantity per delivery
and technical specifications.
* - 70/30 = 70% Average two Rows Spring and 30% Six Rows Winter
** - 50/50 = 50% Average two Rows Spring and 50% Six Rows Winter
French Malting Barley Prices, Crop 2008
EU Malt Export Licence Fixations
May 14
1872 Metropolitan Gas Company lamps lit for 1st time
1881 World's 1st elec tram goes into service in Lichterfelder (near Berlin)
May 15
1878 The Tokyo Stock Exchange Co., Ltd., is established, primarily to trade bonds.
1905 Las Vegas, Nevada founded
1941 The world’s first successful jet aircraft, a Gloster E28/39 powered by a W1 engine designed by Frank Whittle, takes off and lands at Farnborough, England.
May 16
1911 Supreme Court dissolves Standard Oil with the Sherman Antitrust Act
1930 Two Texas engineers found a company called Geophysical Service Inc. to use seismographic technology to improve the business of exploring for oil.
1949 The Tokyo Stock Exchange, originally founded in 1878, reopens for business after the devastation of World War II.
May 17
1892 George Sampson patents clothes dryer
1921 Belgian-Luxembourg sign customs union
1968 European Space Research Org launches 1st satellite
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