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| Newsletter 43a October 25 - October 27, 2021
Quote of the Week
Of beer, an enthusiast has said that it could never be bad, but that some brands might be better than others.
A.A. Milne
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Currency Rates
Base Currency: US Dollar on October 27, 2021 |
Base Currency: Canadian Dollar on October 27, 2021 |
1 USD = 0.8618 EUR
1 USD = 0.7259 GBP
1 USD = 1.2377 CAD
1 USD = 1.3322 AUD
1 USD = 114.0400 JPY
1 USD = 5.5627 BRL
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1 CAD = 0.6962 EUR
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1 CAD = 92.1200 JPY
1 CAD = 4.4935 BRL
1 CAD = 56.1840 RUB
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Currency Rates Chart

Equities of the Largest Breweries
Canada, MB: Devil May Care Brewing to open its own location in downtown Winnipeg
...Click here
Canada, ON: Toronto beer bar to officially launch its in-house brewery
...Click here
World: Heineken Q3 sales drop as lockdowns return in Asia
...Click here
Germany: Three leading beer makers announce price hike next year
...Click here
The Czech Republic: Record hop harvest predicted for 2021
...Click here
EU & UK: Winter barley supplies too negligible to reduce demand for spring significantly
...Click here
China & Australia: China’s import tariff on Australian barley a ‘lose-lose situation’ for both nations - analysts
...Click here
India: Antitrust watchdog raids Associated Alcohols & Breweries and Som Distilleries offices as part of alleged price fixing investigation
...Click here
France: Beer prices could rise by up to 30 cents due to higher production costs
...Click here
Russia: Export duty reduced for barley, increased for wheat and corn
...Click here
Slovenia: Pivovarna Lasko Union to relocate production of its Union beer to Lasko factory from Ljubljana
...Click here
South Africa: Castle Lite beer switching to renewable energy
...Click here
Graph of the Week
Table of the Week
Austria Brewing Industry 1980-2020
Prices Evolution
Barley Prices
Theoretical Malt Prices
These Days in Business History
25 October
1492 - Christopher Columbus and ship Santa Maria land in Dominican Republic
1952 - Tappan sells 1st microwave oven
1960 - 1st electronic wrist watch placed on sale, New York City
26 October
1952 - Chevrolet unveils V-8 engine
1954 - Walt Disney's 1st television program, "Disneyland", premieres on ABC
1956 - U.N.'s International Atomic Energy Agency statute approved
27 October
1969 - Nobel prize for economy awarded to John Tinbergen
1984 - Hepatitis virus is discovered
1997 - Intel Corp buys Digital Equipment for $700 million
November 2021:
04 - 05: Sea Brew 2021 (Taipei, Taiwan)
04 - 09: The European Beer Star 2021 (Munich, Germany)
December 2021:
02 - 04: Drink Technology India 2021 (Helipad Exhibition Centre, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India)
07 - 08: Brewers Congress 2021 (The Brewery, 52 Chiswell Street, London, UK)
February 2022:
04 - 06: Finest Spirits 2022 (Munich, Germany)
11 - 14: HoReCa 2022 (Athens, Greece)
15 - 17: Brasil Brau 2022 (Sao Paulo, Brazil)
20 - 23: Beer & Food Attraction 2022 (Rimini Expo Centre, Rimini, Italy)
March 2022:
09 - 12: Festival Brasileiro da Cerveja 2022 (Blumenau, Brazil)
16 - 17: BeerX 2022 (Liverpool, UK)
29 - 31: Beviale Moscow 2022 (Moscow, Russia)
April 2022:
01 - 01: Zythos Beer Festival 2022 (exact dates to be confirmed) (Leuven, Belgium)
May 2022:
02 - 05: Craft Brewers Conference & BrewExpo America 2022 (Minneapolis, MN, USA)
05 - 05: World Beer Cup 2022 (USA)
11 - 13: Craft Beer China 2022 (Shanghai, China)
24 - 27: Beer 2022 (Sochi, Russia)
29 - 01 June: The Brewers of Europe Forum & 38th EBC Congress (Madrid, Spain)
June 2022:
07 - 08: Bev Expo 2022 (Manchester, UK)
10 - 11: Tallinn Craft Beer Weekend 2022 (Tallinn, Estonia)
September 2022:
12 - 16: Drinktec 2022 (Messe Muenchen, Munich, Germany)
October 2022:
06 - 08: The Great American Beer Festival 2022 (Denver, USA)
News Articles
USA: US hop acreage hits another record in 2021
U.S. hop acreage strung in the Pacific Northwest hit another record high in 2021. Approximately 60,750 acres were strung this year, an increase of 4 percent over 2020. All three Pacific Northwest States (WA, ID, and OR) increased acreage, Hopsteiner said in their 2021 U.S. Hop Crop Report on October 24.
Washington led the way in terms of U.S. hop acreage, accounting for 71 percent of the hop crop (43,380 acres). Idaho accounted for 16% (9,784 acres). Oregon accounted for 13% (7,571 acres).
The yield estimates are expected to hit 1,915 pounds per acre, up 8 percent over 2020, with a production forecast of 116 million pounds produced.
The top five hop varieties, those with the most acreage, accounted for 53 percent of the total U.S. acreage strung for 2021.
The top five varieties in terms of acreage:
Citra 11,994 acres
Mosaic 6,374 acres
CTZ* 5,593 acres
Cascade 4,208 acres
Simcoe 4,151 acres
Notable varieties that increased by greater than 50% in strung acreage in 2021 compared to 2020:
Cashmere (+59%) to 908 total acres)
Mt. Rainier (+61%) 440 total acres
Tahoma™ (+103%) 486 total acres
Notable varieties that increased by greater than 20 percent in strung acreage in 2021 compared to 2020:
Bravo™ (+21%) to 256 total acres
Eureka™ (+21%) 790 total acres
Saaz (+27%) 380
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Canada, BC: Beacon Brewing now open in Sydney, BC
A new family-owned brewery and taproom has announced that it is now open in Sidney, a town on the northern tip of Vancouver Island’s Saanich Peninsula, the Canadian Beer News reported on October 26.
Beacon Brewing has been founded by Alexa and Tristan Fetherston along with Alexa’s brother Steven Hardy, and is located in the main floor of the newly built Oceanna complex.
Beacon opened its doors this past weekend with an initial tap line-up that includes Better Late Than Never Pale Ale (4.9% abv), Cold Capacitor IPA (6.2% abv), Disconnect Dark Mild (4.1% abv), Ladder Truck Lager (4.6% abv), Little Red Grissette (3.4% abv), Power Surge Pale Ale (5.4% abv), Resistor Red ISA (5.3% abv), and Short Circuit Saison (4.3% abv).
Non-beer beverage options include cider (both alcoholic and non-alcoholic) and sodas from Valley Cider, and light snacks such as candied salmon from Jenny’s Smoke Shack are also available.
Beacon Brewing is located at 9829 Third Street in Sidney, and is open daily from 11:30 AM.
USA, TX: Elder Son Brewing in soft opening phase
Robert Frye never thought he’d turn his homebrewing hobby into a career. But after 18 years in the oil and gas industry, including four downturns, he was ready for a change, the Houston Chronicle reported on October 25.
Elder Son Brewing, his new brewery in the Heights, is currently in its soft opening phase.
It started with the encouragement of his wife, friends and neighbors who drank his beer over the years. These were pipe dreams at the time, he says: a bunch of his buddies drinking in his driveway, asking him what he would name a brewery if he opened one someday.
It was the COVID-19 pandemic that actually pushed him over the edge. There’s never going to be a good time to leave this career and do something he actually enjoyed, he thought, so why not now?
In March 2020, he started looking at locations across Houston for a brick-and-mortar. He finally signed the lease in the current space, at 946 N. Shepherd Drive, that November. He quit his job, as a sales manager for a manufacturing company in the oil industry, just three weeks before opening.
Frye began homebrewing 12 years ago when he started dating his now-wife. Her brother was a
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Canada, MB: Devil May Care Brewing to open its own location in downtown Winnipeg
Devil May Care Brewing has announced that after more than three years of brewing its beers under contract, it will soon be opening its own location in downtown Winnipeg, the Canadian Beer News reported on October 19.
Devil May Care was launched by homebrewers Colin Koop and Steve Gauthier in the spring of 2018, and initially operated out of Stone Angel Brewing before moving to the Torque Brewing facility in the summer of 2020.
For the brewery’s next phase, the partners have signed a lease on a space at the corner of Fort St. and York Ave., and describe their plans for it as follows:
We’re starting out small, focusing on exclusive batches served in-house and for take-out. With smaller capacity comes flexibility, more potential creativity, and more of the unique craft beer experience that you’ve come to expect from us. We’ll be able to dream, play, and create. And you, lucky DMC fans, will be able to reap the rewards! We have a great many plans, ideas, and dreams that we’ll finally be able to turn into reality. We promise, you’re going to love what we’ve got in store for you. (Most of the time, that is. We reserve the right to
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Canada, ON: Toronto beer bar to officially launch its in-house brewery
Bar Volo, the oft-lauded Toronto beer bar that closed its original location in autumn 2016 and reopened in a spot around the corner three years later, has announced that it is set to officially launch its in-house brewery, Volo Beer, the Canadian Beer News reported on October 21.
As noted in the announcement:
This coming weekend marks that time of year we would normally celebrate cask-conditioned ale at our annual Cask Days Beer Festival. Cask Days began in 2005 on the patio of Bar Volo’s original Yonge St. location and evolved into one of the largest cask-ale festivals in the world. It will be two years since the last event took place and to keep the spirit alive were honouring the occasion with the launch of our new brewery!
The launch will feature seven Volo-brewed beers pouring on traditional cask, including Pippa Pale Ale (5.2% abv), Masino Session Pale Ale (3.9% abv), Punters Gold Golden Ale (4.6% abv), Consuelo Kellerpils (4.6% abv), Gus Porter (5.4% abv), Piccola Mild with Roasted Chestnuts (3.9% abv), and Orzo Barleywine (8.5% abv). For those who like to compare, three of the beers – Punters Gold, Gus, and Piccola – will also be available on keg draught.
The Volo
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USA, CO: Seedstock Brewery sells to new owners
The idea of family connections has always been behind the beer at Seedstock Brewery. It’s why brothers Ron and Jason Abbott and their dad focused on old-world lagers that honor their Czech and Eastern European heritage, as well as their fourth-generation Nebraska farming roots, when they opened the brewery in 2016 — and it’s also why they decided to sell the brewery last month, the Denver Westword reported on October 22.
“It might sound funny, but this was not a hard decision to make. Some things are more important than business and beer,” Ron says. In this case, that thing is, of course, family; Ron has moved back to Omaha to help take care of some ailing relatives, which necessitated the sale.
Easing the blow of backing away from something that they worked so hard to build, however, is the fact that the Abbotts have sold Seedstock to another family with similar values, Ron says.
On September 1, Adam McIlvenna and his parents, Jerry and Kathy McIlvenna, took over Seedstock's location at 3610 West Colfax Avenue, where Adam will continue to brew old-world lagers and other traditional styles. The McIlvennas also plan to keep the name, the logo and the atmosphere as is.
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World: Heineken Q3 sales drop as lockdowns return in Asia
Heineken sold less beer in the third quarter as the return of lockdowns in Asia cut into drinking and socialising, hurting sales at the
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Germany: Three leading beer makers announce price hike next year
Three of Germany’s biggest breweries - the Radeberger Group, Krombacher and Veltins - have announced that the price of their beer will increase from next spring. The price hike will affect both the hospitality and retail industries, I am Expat Germany reported on October 23
GetränkeNews, a news provider for the German beverage industry, estimates that the price of Pils, Export and Weizen will rise by about 30 to 50 cents in pubs and bars. The price for a crate of German beer will rise by about a euro.
Radeberger has said it will not raise prices until February, while Krombacher and Veltins want to raise their prices in April. Retail prices might not even be affected until May.
The three breweries have provided justifications for the price hikes. Headquartered in Frankfurt, the Radeberger Group - which is the largest brewery group in Germany - has blamed the rising cost of utilities and raw materials. “In addition to massive losses in turnover and earnings during the 18 months of the pandemic, all companies are now facing further quite massive cost increases for energy, logistics, [and] empties as well as raw materials and supplies,” a company spokesperson said.
Similarly, a spokesperson for Veltins blamed rising
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EU: Barley prices continue the upward trend
Both 2RS and 6RW French malting barley prices crop 2021 continue their upward trend, with Mosel holding firmer versus Creil, RMI Analytics reported on
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The Czech Republic: Record hop harvest predicted for 2021
Czech hop growers and breweries are predicting a record harvest for the 2021 season, owing to favorable weather conditions. The amount of dry hops
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EU & UK: Winter barley supplies too negligible to reduce demand for spring significantly
Negligible supplies of winter barley in the UK, Germany, and Poland reduce the EU’s spring barley demand only by 300-400 thousand tonnes, H. M.
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China & Australia: China’s import tariff on Australian barley a ‘lose-lose situation’ for both nations - analysts
Last year, China slapped an 80 per cent tariff on Australian barley, which effectively ended the trade.
Since then, Australia has managed to find alternative
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EU: EU farmers focus on winter barley planting
With the EU barley harvest complete and the supply and demand situation quite clear, the focus has turned to getting winter barley planted, RMI
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India: Antitrust watchdog raids Associated Alcohols & Breweries and Som Distilleries offices as part of alleged price fixing investigation
India's antitrust watchdog on Wednesday, October 27 raided the offices of Associated Alcohols & Breweries and Som Distilleries as part of an investigation into alleged price fixing in liquor products, two sources with direct knowledge of the matter said.
The Competition Commission of India (CCI) officials were conducting search and seizure operations across several cities in a case about the companies allegedly violating anti-trust laws by colluding on prices while seeking necessary regulatory approvals from states, the sources added.
The investigation is looking at price fixing of so-called country liquor, or low-priced locally made alcohol, the sources added.
India has strict regulations for the alcohol sector. Most states individually regulate alcohol pricing and the companies need to submit and get prices approved every year by the local authorities.
Without directly commenting on the raids, a spokesperson for Som Distilleries said liquor prices were fixed by government officials and the company has no say over them.
"We are not the authority to fix the price ... This is a fully government controlled business," the spokesperson said in an email to Reuters.
The CCI did not respond to a request for comment, while e-mails and phone calls to Associated Alcohols went unanswered.
After Reuters published details of the raid,
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France: Beer prices could rise by up to 30 cents due to higher production costs
The price of a bottle of beer could rise by 15-30 cents in France following an increase in production costs, The Connexion reported on October 26.
Pierre Marchica, the managing director of the 3 Monts brewery in Saint-Sylvestre-Cappel (Flandres) told BFMTV on October 25 that prices could climb by 5-10% for consumers if wholesalers do not act to protect them.
This comes after a wet summer led to a poor harvest, pushing up the price of cereals involved in beer production, especially hops and malt.
Jean-François Drouin, president of brewers union Syndicat national des brasseurs indépendants (SNBI), has told Le Figaro that raw material costs have consequently risen by 30% for brewers.
Breweries are also falling victim to the sharply climbing energy prices that are impacting the whole of France.
Beer production requires a large amount of electricity and gas, and the 7-15% average energy bill increase that brewers are facing – according to Brasseurs de France union – is resulting in a significant increase in costs.
However, the biggest price rise currently faced by brewers is that of packaging, which accounts for 45-50% of the total cost of beer production according to Mr Marchica.
This figure is also on the rise,
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Russia: Export duty reduced for barley, increased for wheat and corn
The export duty on Russian wheat will be increased from $61.3 to $67 per tonne on October 27, the Ministry of Agriculture said. Duties on corn will also be hiked to $49.7 per tonne.
At the same time, export duties for barley will be lowered from $45.9 to $42.6 per tonne, RT reported on October 23.
The export duty rate is calculated at an indicative price of $295.8 per tonne for wheat, $245.9 for barley, and $256 for corn. The new duty rates will be in effect until November 2.
This summer, Russia introduced a grain damper mechanism, which provides for floating duties on the export of wheat, corn and barley. The duty is 70% of the difference between the indicative price and the base price. Market participants transmit data on contracts to the Moscow Exchange to form the calculation of the indicative price. The base price for wheat is $200 per tonne; for corn and barley, $185 per tonne. Based on that information, the Ministry of Agriculture determines the amount of duty for a period of one week.
Slovenia: Pivovarna Lasko Union to relocate production of its Union beer to Lasko factory from Ljubljana
The Slovenian unit of Dutch brewer Heineken, Pivovarna Lasko Union (PLU), plans to relocate the production of the Union beer to its Lasko factory from Ljubljana by January 2022, See News reported on October 27.
The decision is the result of a preventive independent safety assessment of the 35-year-old refrigeration system at the Union Brewery in Ljubljana, which showed that it is no longer suitable for operation and could pose a significant safety risk in the future, PLU said in a statement earlier this week.
The packaging and logistics activities of Union beer will remain at Union Brewery, while the production of soft drinks and water and the administrative and corporate functions do not change their location, the same applies to the Union Pub and the Union Experience Museum, PLU said.
"Due to the complexity of the processes, we do not yet know exactly how many employees this change will have an impact on. We will look for all possibilities to mitigate these effects - re-employment in other organisational units, possibly in Lasko, possible early retirement schemes," communications manager Alenka Rozman said in a video file posted on the website of public broadcaster RTV Slovenia on October 26.
The Ljubljana site currently employs 145
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South Africa: Castle Lite beer switching to renewable energy
Castle Lite, a beer brand within the South African Breweries (SAB) stable, is switching to renewable energy. This comes as a response to global calls to grow renewable energy and mitigate climate change, ESI Africa reported on October 27.
All seven of SAB’s breweries in South Africa are powered through solar power, with the Alrode brewery in Johannesburg also making use of biogas facilities. From January to August this year, the seven breweries generated over 9.7GWh of renewable electricity and this has also resulted in 9,443 tons of CO2 emissions reductions since the start of the year.
The brand is on a journey to be 100% brewed with renewable electricity and to fully switch to renewable sources by 2025, The move is in line with the SAB and holding company, Anheuser-Busch InBev (AB InBev), global commitment to the 2025 Sustainability Goals in climate action by adding renewable electricity capacity to regional grids and reducing CO2 emissions across the globe.
In 2020, SAB and AB InBev Africa announced that their breweries across South Africa had introduced on-site solar facilities as part of a new multi-billion-rand energy project. The ultimate goal of the project, the group said, is to purchase 100% of the business’s electricity
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