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| Newsletter 26a June 22 - June 24, 2020
Quote of the Week
Always do your best. What you plant now, you will harvest later.
Og Mandino
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Currency Rates
Base Currency: US Dollar on June 24, 2020 |
Base Currency: Canadian Dollar on June 24, 2020 |
1 USD = 0.8852 EUR
1 USD = 0.8004 GBP
1 USD = 1.3528 CAD
1 USD = 1.4426 AUD
1 USD = 106.7700 JPY
1 USD = 5.2057 BRL
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1 CAD = 0.5916 GBP
1 CAD = 0.6542 EUR
1 CAD = 1.0662 AUD
1 CAD = 78.9100 JPY
1 CAD = 3.8475 BRL
1 CAD = 50.8898 RUB
1 CAD = 5.2209 CNY

Currency Rates Chart

Equities of the Largest Breweries
USA, VA: Star Hill Brewery opens new Lynchburg location
...Click here
USA, NY: Tradewinds Brewing opens its doors in Riverhead
...Click here
USA, TN: Wiseacre Brewing Company to inaugurate new Memphis location on June 26
...Click here
USA, TN: Bold Patriot Brewing Company already open in Nashville
...Click here
USA, CT: Cheshire Craft Brewing Company files application with Cheshire’s Planning Development
...Click here
USA, NV: Couple trying to launch Nevada Brew Works despite shutdown challenges
...Click here
USA, FL: City of Jacksonville reviewing Ruby Beach Brewing Co.’s building permit application
...Click here
USA, VA: Solace Outpost opens brewery in Falls Church
...Click here
Vietnam: Sabeco lowers revenue target for this year
...Click here
India: United Breweries sees 39.35% net profit decline in quarter ended March
...Click here
UK: Budweiser Brewing Group claims to have become Britain’s No. 1 brewer by volume
...Click here
World: Barley crop expected to be similar to last year’s record production
...Click here
EU: Early estimate of barley S/D vague amid pandemic and still uncertain crop prospects
...Click here
Russia: Southern Russia starts winter barley harvest with lower yield
...Click here
World: Diageo delays publishing of full-year report by five days
...Click here
New Zealand: Huge push to buy local paying dividends for small brewers
...Click here
UK: Diageo announces £4 million in funding for pubs struggling with coronavirus impact
...Click here
Graph of the Week
Table of the Week
EU Barley Supply & Demand Forecast
Prices Evolution
Barley Prices
Theoretical Malt Prices
These Days in Business History
22 June
1775 - US Congress authorizes the first issuance of Continental Currency, or U.S. paper money
1899 - Michal Kalecki is born, Polish economist
2009 - Eastman Kodak Company announces that it will discontinue sales of the Kodachrome Color Film, concluding its 74-year run as a photography icon
23 June
1848 - Antoine Joseph Sax patents Saxophone
1907 - James Meade, English Economist
24 June
1839 - Gustavus Franklin Swift, founded Swift and Co
1932 - David McTaggart is born, co-founder, Greenpeace
1963 - 1st demonstration of home video recorder, at BBC Studios, London
July 2020:
01 - 03: Craft Beer China 2020 (Shanghai, China)
29 - 31: Beviale Mexico 2020 (Guadalajara, Mexico)
30 - 01 August: Korea International Beer Expo 2020 (Seoul, South Korea)
August 2020:
01 - 04: World Brewing Congress 2020 (Minneapolis, USA)
September 2020:
02 - 05: Expo Trade, Brewers Conference & Mar del Plata Beer Week 2020 (Mar del Plata Argentina)
02 - 04: Beviale Moscow 2020 (Moscow, Russia)
02 - 04: Modern Brewing Technologies 2020 (Moscow, Russia)
03 - 07: Mondial de la Biere Rio 2020 (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
03 - 05: Zurich Bier Festival 2020 (Zurich, Switzerland)
05 - 05: Copa Cervezas de America 2020 (Award Ceremony) (Mar del Plata, Argentina)
11 - 13: Mondial de la Biere - Paris 2020 (Paris, France)
14 - 25: Craft Brewing in Practice 2020 (Berlin, Germany)
19 - 04 October: Oktoberfest 2020 (Munich, Germany)
21 - 23: 11th Ibero-American VLB Symposium 2020 (Barcelona, Spain)
24 - 26: Great American Beer Festival 2020 (Denver, USA)
24 - 26: Stockholm Beer & Whisky Festival 2020 (Stockholm, Sweden)
October 2020:
02 - 03: Stockholm Beer & Whisky Festival 2020 (Stockholm, Sweden)
08 - 11: Mondial de la Biere 2020 (Montreal, Canada)
13 - 16: China Brew & China Beverage (CBB) 2020 (Shanghai, China)
14 - 16: Expo Antad & Alimentaria Mexico 2020 (Expo Guadalajara, Mexico)
19 - 20: Planete Biere 2020 (Paris, France)
21 - 24: Beer 2020 (Sochi, Russia)
23 - 25: Cerveza Mexico Expo 2020 (Mexico City, Mexico)
29 - 30: Sea Brew 2020 (Taipei, Taiwan)
November 2020:
04 - 07: VIETFOOD & BEVERAGE - VIETNAM 2020 (Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam)
10 - 12: Brau Beviale 2020 (Nuremberg, Germany)
11 - 11: European Beer Star 2020 - Award Ceremony & Winners' Night (Munich, Germany)
13 - 14: Beervana 2020 (Wellington, New Zealand)
18 - 18: Brussels Beer Challenge 2020 (Brussels, Belgium)
25 - 27: Drink Japan 2020 (Tokyo, Japan)
December 2020:
09 - 11: Drink Technology India 2020 (Mumbai, India)
May 2021:
17 - 23: Budapest Beer Week 2021 (Budapest, Hungary)
June 2021:
15 - 17: Brasil Brau 2021 (Sao Paulo, Brazil)
News Articles
USA, VA: Star Hill Brewery opens new Lynchburg location
Star Hill Brewery has finally opened its new Lynchburg location, WSLS 10 reported on June 19.
About 90 people have already made reservations to explore the Starr Hill on Main brewery downtown.
Starr Hill announced the new expansion last fall.
Customers have been waiting for months to taste the 27 different beers they have.
“There’s been a lot of interest a lot of excitement, enthusiasm from the community here, downtown Lynchburg, we’re excited to be opening up down here,” said general manager Dan Power.
Saturday’s hours are 12 p.m. to 10 p.m. and Sunday 1 p.m. to 8 p.m. They’re open during the week from 3 p.m. to 9 p.m.
USA, NY: Tradewinds Brewing opens its doors in Riverhead
A new brewery has opened its doors in downtown Riverhead, RiverheadLOCAL reported on June 20.
Tradewinds Brewing is located on West Main Street, next to Diggers Ales & Eats at the former site of Crooked Ladder Brewery, which closed last year.
Tradewinds’ director of operations is Duffy Griffiths, the original brewer at Crooked Ladder. A brewer since 1996, Griffiths comes to the new brewery after a four-year stint as director of brewing operations at Greenport Harbor Brewing Co.
The tasting room opened for the first time on June 19, for takeout sales. It will reopen on Thursday, June 25. At that point, the Long Island region will have already entered Phase Three of the New York Forward reopening plan, according to officials. That will allow on-premises consumption in brewery and winery tasting rooms, bars and restaurants. Currently, in Phase Two, they can be open for takeout and outdoor dining only.
Tradewinds is now brewing five beers: New Guy!, an IPA, Breaking Tide, a double IPA, Lilly, a light lager, No Paddle, a pilsner — “like up a creek without a paddle,” Griffith quips — Alsatian, a Hefeweizen.
Tradewinds is owned by Griffiths’ wife, Wendy, and the couple’s friend, chef Kristi Macdonald.
The new microbrewery is located
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USA, TN: Wiseacre Brewing Company to inaugurate new Memphis location on June 26
Wiseacre Brewing Company, a company birthed by two brothers that took over the beer industry in Bluff City, is opening a new Memphis location Friday, June 26 and the public is welcome to join, WMC reported on June 19.
Their soft opening will take place at noon at 398 South BB King Boulevard, which has been coined Wiseacre 2 by the company.
Due to COVID-19, tickets will be on sale Friday, June 19 at noon to help maintain a safe capacity. Parties will be limited to six people and space will allow for social distancing.
Guests are asked to wear a mask or facial covering per the latest city ordinance.
USA, TN: Bold Patriot Brewing Company already open in Nashville
A new brewery has opened its doors in Nashville. The new arrival, called Bold Patriot Brewing Company, is located at 410 39th Ave. North, Hoodline reported on June 19.
Bold Patriot Brewing Company specializes in beer. On the menu, expect to see stouts, traditional ales and porters.
With a five-star rating out of three reviews on Yelp so far, Bold Patriot Brewing Company is on its way to developing a local fan base.
Yelper Philip T., who was the first to review the new spot on June 5, wrote, "Bold Patriot is a new brewery to the Nashville scene. Turns out they came from California and have been brewing since 2012, and it shows. Their beers are polished and fantastic. Had the Monmouth Hazy IPA and their Pilsner, and they certainly rival the better breweries here in Nashville."
Yelper Anton S. added, "The place is great! The beer is awesome! The staff is amazing!"
Head on over to check it out: Bold Patriot Brewing Company is open from 2–11 p.m. on Monday through Wednesday, 11 a.m.–11 p.m. on Thursday through Saturday and noon–6 p.m. on Sunday.
USA, CT: Cheshire Craft Brewing Company files application with Cheshire’s Planning Development
Craft beer has quickly become one of the fastest growing industries and most popular hobbies of the last decade.
With local breweries popping up practically everywhere in Connecticut and New England over the years, it was only a matter of time before Cheshire hopped on the brewing bandwagon, the Cheshire Herald reported on June 19.
Earlier this year, it was reported that the popular Hamden-based brewery, Counterweight, would be moving to Cheshire at some point in 2020. Now, it appears a Cheshire-based brewery will joining them.
Cheshire Craft Brewing Company has filed an application with the Planning Department and hopes to set up shop at 125 Commerce Court in the coming year.
“They are going to be a great addition to the town,” said Cheshire’s Economic Development Coordinator Jerry Sitko. “I have been working with these guys for over a year now and they are going to do some great things.”
The possible arrival of the Cheshire Brewing Company comes right on the heels of the state’s economic downturn due to the COVID-19 pandemic and, according to Sitko, will be a great economic investment for the town. He expressed his hope that residents will soon be able to enjoy the fruits of their labor.
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USA, NV: Couple trying to launch Nevada Brew Works despite shutdown challenges
Jason and Lauren Taylor were so close to achieving a lifelong dream of opening a microbrewery in Las Vegas’ Arts District. Then the disastrous COVID-19 shutdown hit, the Las Vegas Review-Journal reported on June 21.
Now their high hopes have turned to high anxiety, mixed with a stubborn will to keep their nascent business alive during a global pandemic. The Summerlin couple, profiled in the March issue of rjmagazine, planned to launch Nevada Brew Works just as nonessential businesses statewide temporarily were curtailed.
Then, in late May, Nevada reopened bars and restaurants, though it remains unclear when the virus might be brought under control. But the Taylors push on. Their final construction touches are scheduled to be finished in early July, slowed by virus-related work delays.
“We could have sat here and shriveled up,” said Jason, who goes by JT. “For us, failure was not an option.”
Lauren also is trying to stay positive. “I’ve been nervous since February,” she said. “But we’re not going to die. We’ll find a way.”
The brewery, which the Taylors financed by mortgaging their home and emptying their savings, will feature special beers to support children like their daughter, Ariana Rye, who spent 117 days in the neonatal intensive
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USA, FL: City of Jacksonville reviewing Ruby Beach Brewing Co.’s building permit application
The city of Jacksonville is reviewing a building permit application for the site of Ruby Beach Brewing Co. at 228 E. Forsyth St. downtown, WJCT News reported on June 19.
The application is for the first phase of what is referred to as the Forsyth Brewery renovation at a cost of $500,000, according to WJCT News partner the Jacksonville Daily Record.
Ruby Beach owner Zeta Jax Inc. was the first business approved for a forgivable loan under the Downtown Investment Authority’s new Food and Beverage Retail Enhancement Program.
The board unanimously approved the Downtown brewery for the $75,000 loan June 17 minutes after it voted 8-0 to authorize the food and beverage incentive program.
The public money will help with build-out costs for its taproom, second-floor event room, beer garden and outdoor patio space under development, according to documents filed by the brewery with the DIA.
Zeta Jax Inc. and building owner 228 Forsyth Inc. were co-applicants for the grant. It would cover 22.2% of the $337,100 development cost for phase two of Ruby Beach’s Downtown location, the DIA staff report states.
Zeta Jax President Mark Vandeloo announced the relocation of the brewery from Jacksonville Beach in February. In a June 4 email, he said
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USA, AZ: Greenwood Brewing has an opening date now
For local brewer and entrepreneur Megan Greenwood, the road to opening her own brewery started about three years ago, reported on June 19.
Now, Greenwood Brewing has an opening date.
The new brewery, which is located along downtown Phoenix's Roosevelt Row and connected to MADE Art Boutique, is scheduled to open at 11a.m. on July 18.
Greenwood and her team are putting the finishing touches on the new building, including adding mirrors and decorations, as well as getting ready for their first brew day.
Greenwood says that will be the day her dream finally feels real.
"I won't feel it until we are brewing our first batch on that system," she says. "But that's a day I've envisioned for three years, it's kind of mind blowing."
Greenwood started off as a home brewer, creating small batches of beer in her garage. She decided to turm her hobby into a profession as a way to promote female entrepreneurship and women in beer.
"Confidence, Empowerment, Inclusivity," are core values of the company, and words that are echoed through the company's website.
After deciding to create her company, Greenwood launched her first beer called Herstory Brew. The pale ale became the company's flagship beer and has been available around metro
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USA, VA: Solace Outpost opens brewery in Falls Church
Solace Outpost, a brewery and food concept in the former Mad Fox Brewing Company space at 444 West Broad Street in Falls Church, has opened, reported on June 21.
Solace Brewing Company co-founder Jon Humerick told Patch the soft opening was Wednesday, June 17 after a Tuesday, June 16 preview for residents above the restaurant. Sterling-based Solace Brewing Company runs the beer operation, while the restaurant group behind Blackfinn Ameripub runs the food concept called Sauced.
"The location was ideal for us being right on Route 7," said Humerick. "We had been looking for some time for a second location."
The Solace Outpost team started looking at the location late last year and signed a lease in early 2020. The opening was scheduled for May 1 before the pandemic delayed the plans. Mad Fox Brewing Company had closed in July 2019.
Solace Outpost's Sauced concept focuses on "pies, thighs and fries." Diners can find a selection of thin crust pizzas or create their own. Chicken thighs come in classic or Nashville hot style with a choice of dipping sauces. Fries are available in five styles, including beer cheese with bacon and funnel cake fries.
The Solace Outpost brewing operation currently has four beers made
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Belgium: Beer exports increase by 9.2% last year
2019 was a positive year for Belgian brewers with a slight increase in total beer sales in the internal market of 0.2% compared to
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Vietnam: Sabeco lowers revenue target for this year
With stringent drunk-driving regulations and the coronavirus impacting beer sales, Sabeco has lowered its revenue target for this year to VND23.8 trillion ($1 billion),
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India: United Breweries sees 39.35% net profit decline in quarter ended March
United Breweries Ltd (UBL) on June 24 reported net profit decline of 39.35% at Rs 41.19 crore for the quarter ended March, mainly due
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UK: Budweiser Brewing Group claims to have become Britain’s No. 1 brewer by volume
Budweiser Brewing Group, the UK & Ireland arm of AB InBev, is claiming to have become the number one brewer by volume in Britain,
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World: Barley crop expected to be similar to last year’s record production
The world barley crop will be similar to last year’s record production, H. M. Gauger GmbH said in their latest report earlier this month.
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EU: Early estimate of barley S/D vague amid pandemic and still uncertain crop prospects
An early estimate of the EU barley S/D must be vague in the aftermath of the pandemic and still uncertain crop prospects, H. M.
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Russia: Southern Russia starts winter barley harvest with lower yield
Farmers in Russia's southern regions have started harvesting winter barley with lower yield, though it may improve next week, SovEcon, one of the leading agriculture consultancies, said in a note on June 22.
Russia is expected to produce 19.9 million tonnes of barley in total in 2020, down from 20.5 million tonnes a year ago, SovEcon has said.
"It is too early to make any conclusion about yields at this stage, we should have a clearer picture next week," SovEcon said.
The starting yield in the Stavropol region in bunker weight is currently at 2.4 tonnes per hectare (t/ha), down from 3 t/ha a year ago. In the Krasnodar region, farmers report it at around 4 t/ha compared with 6 t/ha in 2019, the consultancy said.
Farmers in Russia have so far also planted spring barley on 7.9 million hectares, more than they originally planned, vs 8.0 a year ago, according to the agriculture ministry's data.
Speaking about weather conditions for Russia's upcoming 2020 grain crop in general, SovEcon said that they were slightly negative for the development of the winter grain sowings last week as rains were seen only in the southern regions, while other regions were mostly dry with temperatures 1-3 Celsius above
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World: Diageo delays publishing of full-year report by five days
Diageo Plc, the world’s largest spirits maker, said on June 22 it would delay the publishing of its full-year report for fiscal 2020 by five days to give its auditors more time to prepare and review statements during the coronavirus pandemic, Reuters reported.
“(The delay) will allow Diageo and its auditors, PwC, sufficient time to complete the process of preparing and reviewing the results, given the practical challenges of remote working,” the maker of Tanqueray gin and Johnnie Walker whisky said in a statement.
British regulators have given publicly traded companies an additional two months to prepare their financial statements, making the deadline six months from their financial year-end.
Diageo will now publish its preliminary results for the year ended June 30 on Aug. 4, instead of July 30, and will also delay the release of its annual regulatory filing by two days. In April, the company abandoned its annual forecast for sales and profit growth, and suspended its 4.5 billion pound ($5.6 billion) share buyback programme in response to the coronavirus pandemic.
New Zealand: Huge push to buy local paying dividends for small brewers
A huge push to buy local in post-lockdown New Zealand is paying dividends for small breweries, but only if they’ve done the hard yards with customers first, the Australian Brews News reported on June 22.
The interest in local producers is exemplified by the growth of a New Zealand Made Products Facebook page, launched during lockdown.
A meteoric climb to more than 500,000 members has driven sales for a number of Kiwi brands. And Buy NZ Made, which licences the official Kiwi-branded trademark, saw a surge in applications during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Paul Croucher of Rotorua’s Croucher Brewing says local support for his brewery and pub is critical in a town that relied heavily on tourism numbers.
When lockdown hit, Croucher was worried whether he’d taken his local audience for granted but was pleasantly surprised at the level of support. He attributed the support to the groundwork the brewery had done over the years with sponsorship of events and charities.
The brewery sponsors mountain bike races and ultramarathons but also supports the local hospice, a breast cancer trust, the Rotorua SPCA and the Rotorua-based national kiwi hatchery.
“What we did during lockdown was to repackage keg beer into flagons and target our local market, rekindling that
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UK: Diageo announces £4 million in funding for pubs struggling with coronavirus impact
Drinks giant Diageo has announced £4 million in funding for pubs struggling with the impact of coronavirus, Yahoo Finance UK reported on June 23.
The company, which makes Guinness and a number of whiskies, has announced the two-year Raise the Bar programme to help premises bring back customers as lockdown restrictions further ease.
It designed the scheme following a global survey of bar owners to identify what they need to reopen after lockdown.
Their top priorities include hygiene measures, digital support and practical equipment to transform how their outlets will work.
Emma McClarkin, CEO of the Scottish Beer and Pub Association, said: “This announcement today from Diageo will be enthusiastically welcomed by operators who are desperate to re-open their pubs, get trading again, welcome customers back and play their part in the economic recovery.
“The hospitality sector has been one of the hardest hit as a result of the pandemic, with pubs and bars now closed for over three months and its impact likely to be felt by the trade for a long time into the future.
“With over 50,000 jobs dependent on pubs and bars, we are an integral part of the national economy and communities across the country – it is vital we get
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