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| Newsletter 51b December 19 - December 22, 2019
Quote of the Week
The whole point of getting things done is knowing what to leave undone.
Oswald Chambers
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Currency Rates
Base Currency: US Dollar on December 20, 2019 |
Base Currency: Canadian Dollar on December 20, 2019 |
1 USD = 0.8988 EUR
1 USD = 0.7655 GBP
1 USD = 1.3119 CAD
1 USD = 1.4539 AUD
1 USD = 109.4400 JPY
1 USD = 4.0615 BRL
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1 USD = 7.0063 CNY
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1 CAD = 0.5835 GBP
1 CAD = 0.6850 EUR
1 CAD = 1.1081 AUD
1 CAD = 83.4100 JPY
1 CAD = 3.0955 BRL
1 CAD = 47.5982 RUB
1 CAD = 5.3399 CNY

Currency Rates Chart

Equities of the Largest Breweries
USA, TX: Dos Sirenos Brewing preparing to open its doors in San Antonio
...Click here
USA, MN: South by Southeast Minnesota Brewing Company coming to Rochester soon
...Click here
USA, NC: Norse Brewing Company opens its doors in Wake Forest
...Click here
USA, MS: Wormtown Brewery officially opens as Foxborough’s first brewery
...Click here
USA, IL: More Brewing postpones opening date till February
...Click here
Thailand & Vietnam: ThaiBev denies plans to sell Sabeco shares to Budweiser APAC
...Click here
UK: Innis & Gunn reveals location of Edinburgh’s first major brewery
...Click here
India: Court dismisses AB InBev’s latest appeal against New Delhi sales ban
...Click here
Indonesia & North Korea: North Korea’s Taedonggang Beer Factory may be set to expand exports to Indonesia
...Click here
Graph of the Week
Table of the Week
The Number of Craft Breweries in the EU 2012-2018
Prices Evolution
Barley Prices
Theoretical Malt Prices
These Days in Business History
19 December
1795 - 1st state appropriation of money for road building, Kentucky
1989 - American Airlines purchases Eastern Airline's Latin American route
1997 - Masaru Ibuka co-founder Sony Corporation, dies at 89
20 December
1790 - The first mechanized textile mill in the U.S. opens in Pawtucket, R.I. Built by Samuel Slater
1803 - Louisiana Purchase formally transferred from France to US for $27 million
1966 - The transmission of trades and quotes from the floor of the New York Stock Exchange is fully automated for the first time
1996 - NeXT merges with Apple Computer, starting the path to Mac OS X
21 December
1879 - Theodore Limperg, business economist
1882 - 1st string of Christmas tree lights created by Thomas Edison
1913 - 1st crossword puzzle (with 32 clues) printed in New York World
1937 - 1st feature-length color & sound cartoon premieres (Snow White)
22 December
1877 - "American Bicycling Journal" begins publishing (Boston, Mass)
1910 - US postal savings stamps 1st issued
1973 - Meeting in Tehran, the oil ministers of OPEC's six Persian Gulf member countries announce that they will unilaterally raise the price of crude oil to $7 per barrel. In two-and-a-half months, OPEC has raised the price of oil by 128%
January 2020:
31 - 01 February: Braukunst Live! 2020 (Munich, Germany)
February 2020:
04 - 08: Great British Beer Festival Winter 2020 (Norwich, UK)
07 - 10: HoReCa 2020 (Athens, Greece)
07 - 09: Finest Spirits 2020 (Munich, Germany)
15 - 18: Beer Attraction 2020 (Rimini, Italy)
24 - 26: Beviale Moscow 2020 (Moscow, Russia)
March 2020:
09 - 11: 107th Brewing and Engineering Congress 2020 (Rust, Germany)
11 - 12: BeerX 2020 (Liverpool, UK)
April 2020:
19 - 22: Craft Brewers Conference & BrewExpo America 2020 (San Antonio, Texas, USA)
25 - 26: Zythos Beer Festival 2020 (Leuven, Belgium)
May 2020:
05 - 07: International Beer Strategies Conference 2020 (Munich, Germany)
13 - 15: Craft Beer China 2020 (Shanghai, China)
19 - 21: Beer 2020 (Sochi, Russia)
21 - 24: Mondial de la Biere 2020 (Montreal, Canada)
June 2020:
03 - 04: The Brewers of Europe Forum 2020 (Antwerp, Belgium)
July 2020:
29 - 31: Beviale Mexico 2020 (Guadalajara, Mexico)
August 2020:
07 - 08: Beervana 2020 (Wellington, New Zealand)
News Articles
Canada: Barley production up 24% in 2019-20
For 2019-20, barley production in Canada increased by 24% or slightly more than 2.0 million tonnes from 2018-19 to 10.4 mln tonnes, largely due to higher harvested area and improved yields, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada reported on December 19.
Canada's two leading barley producing provinces, Alberta (AB) and Saskatchewan (SK), accounted for 98% of the increase in production, with 48% from AB and 50% from SK.
Production reached the highest level since 2009 and compares to 10 mln tonnes forecast by StatsCan in September.
Malting barley area and production for 2019 should be the highest in recent five years with good quality, according to the Canadian Grain Commission’s report on the Quality of Western Canadian Malting Barley 2019.
Total supply of barley increased by 17% from 2018-19 as the increase in production is partly offset by the historically low carry-in stocks.
Domestic use of barley is expected to increase from 2018-19, reflecting stronger feed use.
Exports are expected to decrease slightly due to the increased supply of barley in competing countries, including countries in the EU and Black Sea region.
Carry-out stocks are anticipated to increase sharply.
The average price of feed barley for 2019-20 is expected to be lower than
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USA: US hop harvest the largest on record
The numbers for the 2019 U.S. hop harvest are in and it’s officially the largest on record, VinePair reported on December 19.
According to the National Hop Report, released on December 18 by the National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS), Agricultural Statistics Board, and United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), the 2019 harvest weighed-in at 112 million pounds — a 5 percent increase on last year’s total.
The record-breaking crop came from three states: Idaho, Oregon, and Washington. Their combined harvested area rose 3 percent from last year’s total to 56,544 acres, which is also an all-time high.
Not only were hop producers farming larger areas in 2019, their yields also increased. This year’s average hit 1,981 pounds per acre, a 38-pound rise on last year’s figure.
Washington accounted for 73 percent of the crop, with Citra, Cascade, Zeus, Simcoe, CTZ, and Mosaic the six leading varieties in the state.
For hop farmers, perhaps the best news is that the value increase of the harvest outpaced the rise in production. The value of the 2019 harvest totaled $637 million, which is 9 percent higher than last year.
USA, TX: Dos Sirenos Brewing preparing to open its doors in San Antonio
After more than a year of renovations, Dos Sirenos is preparing to open its doors on December 27. The brewery, run by father-and-son team Michael and Jacob Sirenos, will offer a kid and dog-friendly taproom with brews and bites, the San Antonio Current reported on December 17.
Dos Sirenos has been working since Thanksgiving to create German and Belgian-style beers, along with stouts and ales. Patrons can look forward to a food menu with burgers, wings, grilled and fried chicken sandwiches, as well as a weekend brunch menu with beer, wine and mimosa options.
Mike Sirenos, a 20-year beer industry veteran, introduced his son to beer culture at a young age.
"He'd hang out with me while I was working," Mike Sirenos said. "It’s become something that we both enjoy doing."
The duo developed the idea for the brewery several years ago and signed the lease in October 2018. However, structural issues required them to move slowly and invest in renovations.
Located at 227 E. Cevallos St., Dos Sirenos is the latest addition to the area's growing brewery scene, joining local spots including Künstler Brewing, Dorcol Distilling + Brewing Co., Blue Star Brewing Co. and the Freetail Brewing Co. tap room.
USA, MN: South by Southeast Minnesota Brewing Company coming to Rochester soon
Two women in the Rochester food and beer scene are joining forces. Brew master Ann Fahy-Gust and restauranteur Tessa Leung are converting the former Von Klopp Brew Shop on Highway 52 in Pine Island into a brewery and taproom. It will be called South by Southeast Minnesota Brewing Company, KIMT 3 reported on December 18.
They want to expand their beers beyond Rochester and become a Southeastern Minnesota regional brand. "I've sat in many different restaurants and heard people ask, 'what's your local beer?' and we have a lot of small, local breweries, but many of them don't distribute," explains Fahy-Gust.
Leung currently owns successful prewpub Grand Rounds in downtown Rochester. Because of Minnesota beer laws, the brewpub can't distribute beer, and she can't own a prewpub and a brewery. So, Grand Rounds will stop making its own beer and become a restaurant. The brewing equipment will be moved to Pine Island and Grand Rounds will serve South by Southeast Beer. Grand Rounds fans can also look forward to expanded catering, events, and possibly menu changes.
"You almost felt like you were home," explains Leung about the move to Pine Island.
The two brewers are still working out some details with the City of
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USA, NC: Norse Brewing Company opens its doors in Wake Forest
Norse Brewing Company is open in Wake Forest, the Wakeweekly reported on December 20.
The new downtown brewery held a soft opening on December 19 with a selection of beers made in collaboration with other area breweries. A newsletter from the brewery said “it will take a few more weeks to fill our tanks” with the company’s new original beers, but that those brews will be available in time for a grand opening early next year.
The joint venture of Wake Forest residents Chris Jorgensen and Brad Wynn, Norse Brewing Company will offer a variety of beers, ciders, cocktails and wines. It will also serve food inspired by Jorgensen’s Nordic heritage.
The collaboration beers the company is serving now were made in partnership with Lynwood Grill & Brew Concern, Bond Brothers, Deep River Brewing and Raleigh Brewing Company. Wynn, a brewer of 24 years, said his new beers in the works will use ingredients inspired by Nordic countries, including spruce tips, pine, juniper and a Norwegian yeast known as kveik.
The brewery is at 203 Brooks St., in the building that once housed La Foresta Italian Cafe, which closed earlier this year.
USA, MS: Wormtown Brewery officially opens as Foxborough’s first brewery
Wormtown Brewery at Patriot Place officially opened as Foxborough’s first brewery and taproom in a ribbon cutting ceremony Wednesday, December 11, Brewbound reported.
Wormtown General Manager Scott Metzger, Wormtown Managing Partner David Fields, Vice President and General Manager of Patriot Place Brian Earley and Foxborough town officials were on hand to open the new brewery. Earley and Foxborough Town Manager William Keegan also poured the ceremonial first beers after Wormtown’s official opening.
“We are thrilled to open Wormtown’s second brewery and taproom and the first in Foxborough here at Patriot Place,” Earley said. “Wormtown’s unique and locally crafted beers combined with their state-of-the-art taproom provides a great new offering for our guests.”
The Worcester-based brewery held a soft opening at the Patriot Place location in late October, but has been continually adding to the space in the lead-up to the official ribbon cutting. Wormtown Brewery offers pints and flights from 14 draft lines, a variety of packaged beer for patrons to purchase and take home and a wide food selection for guests to enjoy. The space features a 2,500-square-foot-taproom, outdoor patio space and 7bbl brewing system allowing the brewery to craft new and distinct beers from its original Worcester location.
“We are so excited
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USA, IL: More Brewing postpones opening date till February
Construction and licensing setbacks have pushed the completion date of the More Brewing microbrewery and brewpub restaurant, 13980 Automall Drive, Huntley, back to as late as Leap Day next year, the Northwest Herald reported on December 20.
In January, the Huntley Village Board approved the execution of a business development agreement between More Brewing and the village to assist with the renovation of the former auto dealership property. The agreement set of a date Dec. 31 for completion of renovations and the beginning of operations.
The business development agreement also provided for a sales tax rebate of $50,000 and an additional $75,000 reimbursement for moving and equipment expenses.
But in a letter to Huntley Development Manager Margo Griffin dated Dec. 5, the law firm representing More Brewing Co. said delays in construction and licensing at the state and federal level would push the renovation to Feb. 29.
The Village Board unanimously approved an ordinance authorizing the extension during its Thursday meeting.
The Automall Drive site will be the Villa Park-based craft brewery’s second location. Because of the unique aspects of the microbrewery, the board had to approve a new class of liquor license for the facility.
More Brewing has been converting about 14,000 square feet of
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Thailand & Vietnam: ThaiBev denies plans to sell Sabeco shares to Budweiser APAC
ThaiBev has formally denied that it plans to sell shares of subsidiary Sabeco, Vietnam’s largest brewer, to Budweiser APAC, VNExpress International reported on December
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UK: Innis & Gunn reveals location of Edinburgh’s first major brewery
Brewer Innis & Gunn has revealed the location of Edinburgh’s first major brewery for 150 years to be Heriot-Watt University’s research park, to the
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India: Court dismisses AB InBev’s latest appeal against New Delhi sales ban
An Indian court dismissed Anheuser-Busch InBev’s appeal against a New Delhi city sales ban on December 19, a blow to the world’s largest brewer in one of its key market, Reuters reported.
Authorities in New Delhi barred AB InBev in July from selling its beer for three years over allegations of evading state taxes, which the company has denied.
The Delhi city government’s Commissioner of Excise later reduced the ban to 18 months. Authorities had found that SABMiller, bought by AB InBev in 2016, used duplicate barcodes on beer bottles supplied to city retailers, allowing it to pay lower levies.
AB InBev, whose beers include Budweiser and Hoegaarden, is the second biggest player in India’s $7 billion market, with a 17.5% share, IWSR Drinks Market Analysis estimates.
The Delhi ban is seen as a major setback for AB InBev, which is battling a separate Indian antitrust probe concerning alleged beer price fixing by SABMiller and other companies.
Justice Navin Chawla turned down requests to quash or put the ban on hold, saying AB InBev should lodge another appeal with senior New Delhi city officials.
“I am sending you back to the second appellate (authority),” Chawla told AB InBev’s lawyers in a packed Delhi courtroom.
During hearings in
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World: Craft beer trading is here to stay
Dive into any scene where scarcity and fandom collide, and you’ll find a resale hustle lurking at the intersect. Whether it’s Wimbledon tickets or Yeezy sneakers, you can guarantee someone will be turning your passion into over-inflated profit.
Craft beer is no different. The adulation of some artisan brewers in the UK, continental Europe and the US has spawned an online grey market where hard-to-get beers are swapped like rare baseball cards or sold for cash at as much as 50 times their original sale price. For some brewers and their fans, it’s proving a headache, reported on December 17.
A trawl through Facebook turns up dozens of beer trading groups, mostly based in the US. Some deal uniquely in single breweries – the Other Half Everything Club, for example, is solely for swapping New York-based Other Half’s beers and counts almost 7,000 members.
In the UK, one name regularly cropping up in trading groups is British outfit Mills Brewing.
In the tiny village of Ham on the Gloucestershire flatlands beside the River Severn, husband and wife team Gen and Jonny Mills use captured wild yeasts to coax forth a sporadic output of small-run, barrel-aged sour beers. Back in 2017, Robin Eveleigh was
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Indonesia & North Korea: North Korea’s Taedonggang Beer Factory may be set to expand exports to Indonesia
North Korea’s biggest and most well-known beer brewery, the Taedonggang Beer Factory, may be set to expand its exports to Indonesia following a visit by Jakarta’s ambassador last week, reported on December 20.
The government-owned brewery has been exploring more collaborations and foreign partnerships in recent years, but is still currently only available domestically and in China.
The Indonesian embassy in Pyongyang said in a tweet on December 20 that Ambassador Berlian Napitupulu made a “working visit” to the brewery “to explore untapped potential cooperation between Indonesia and the DPRK.”
A post on the embassy’s official website provided further details, saying the December 12 visit to the factory was aimed at opening economic opportunities for bilateral trade in the food and beverage field.
Ambassador Berlian said he expects both Taedonggang Beer to be exported to Indonesia as well as for North Korea to import Indonesian beer as part of boosted trade in this sector.
“In the future, they plan to expand the business to a number of countries,” Berlian said in the embassy report. “We can seize this opportunity, including making Indonesia a hub for marketing [Taedonggang Beer] products in Southeast Asia.”
The factory’s chief engineer Ri Hae Nam reportedly responded that he hoped the
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