E-Malt. E-Malt.com News article: The Netherlands: Brewery involved in litigation with Heineken declared bankrupt

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E-Malt.com News article: The Netherlands: Brewery involved in litigation with Heineken declared bankrupt
Brewery news

Dutch beer company Olm, which had been involved in litigation with beer giant Heineken over fraudulent practices, has been declared bankrupt, Radio Netherlands Worldwide reported on September, 29.

“There was no way we could win,” commented director Marc Schneider, confirming the reports of bankruptcy. He added that he was confident that the liquidation sale would at least pay Olm’s outstanding debts.

Last month the court ruled that Olm was guilty of brand violation by distributing its cheap beer in refilled Heineken barrels. Previous accusations of copying the Heineken label on its bottles had been settled out of court.

Heineken is also suing for compensation and has had Olm’s assets sequestered. According to Schneider, this forced him to file for bankruptcy.

30 September, 2011

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