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E-Malt.com News article: Australia: South Australian grain harvest underway
Barley news

South Australia’s 2005/2005 grain harvest begun with the first deliveries being made to ABB Grain Ltd’s Mid-North receival sites late last week, Ezigrain reported on November 3.

ABB’s general manager, storage and handling, John Warda, said the company’s Port Pirie receival site took the first deliveries of 53 tonnes of feed barley last Thursday and this was followed on October 28 with early deliveries of wheat, while Crystal Brook also received barley on that day.

"The new harvest is definitely underway, although October’s wet weather has meant we’re running about two weeks behind the usual schedule," Mr Warda said.

"With the warmer drier weather forecast for the start of this week we expect further deliveries will be made to sites in the next few days. Growers will be hoping there is not too much more rain so they can concentrate on harvesting without too many concerns about quality."

The honour of making the first delivery went to Mr Barry Mudge of Baroota, about 35 kilometres north of Port Pirie who delivered 53 tonnes of feed 1 barley to the Port Pirie receival site last Thursday.

Crystal Brook received more than 75 tonnes of barley also on October 28.

04 November, 2005

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