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E-Malt.com News article: USA: Oxford unlikely to accept cold beer sales
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Oxford’s mayor Richard Howorth said the city is unlikely to follow Starkville in allowing the sale of cold beer in groceries and conveniences stores, Associated Press said on August 4."I think any time Starkville does something, Oxford notices and vice versa," Howorth said.

On Tuesday, Starkville aldermen lifted restrictions on where cold beer can be sold. Starkville's new ordinance will allow cold beer and light wine sales in licensed city stores. Both Starkville and Oxford, under present ordinances, allow cold beer to be served only in restaurants and bars.

Although the sale of cold beer and Sunday beer sales are separate issues from some alcohol-related accidents in Oxford the past few years, Howorth said he believes the public sees a relationship."In people's minds they are all tied together," he said. "Politically the mood among the board (of aldermen) in terms of doing anything in terms of liberating the sale of alcohol, it's just not there."

Alderman William Baker said there is no way to know if the issue will come up, but he does not expect the board to change the ordinance soon.Baker has opposed any change to the alcohol ordinances and has not changed his opinion.

10 August, 2005

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