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E-Malt.com News article: USA, MI: Livonia city council approves site plan for new brewery
Brewery news

Livonia's newest brewery took a major step toward becoming a reality on July 8, Hometownlife.com reported.

The city council approved the site plan for the brewery pitched for 27719 Seven Mile by owners Andrew Schumacher and Nathan Pastuzyn. Once built, it would join other breweries with operations in Livonia: SuperNatural Brewing and Spirits and the brewing program at Schoolcraft College.

"It's nice to see young people coming in to our community and doing these nice types of businesses," said Council President Laura Toy.

The unnamed brewery, which was first reviewed by the council at a study meeting in June, will move into space formerly occupied by a carpet and flooring business that's been vacant for many years. The brewpub would operate from Thursday to Sunday and offer just beer for sale. Patrons would be allowed to bring in food purchased from other area businesses and eat it inside or in the proposed beer garden.

There is no opening date yet for the brewery, which would be located between Harrison and Inkster.

At least one resident brought up some concern over discussion over bringing food trucks to the space to sell food as well, something that was discussed briefly at the city council's study meeting back in June.

Schumacher said there's no immediate plans to bring such trucks to the site, though that could be something he and his business partner consider in the future.

"At this point in time, we have no formal plans for food trucks on the property," he said. "It's a possibility we've kicked around. If we were to it at all, we would look at the proper provisions."

12 July, 2019

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