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E-Malt.com News article: Canada, AB: Container Brewing coming to Strathcona this summer
Brewery news

There’s a new brewery coming to Strathcona this summer. First timers Dan Webster and Terry Brown have brought in Tim Juul – formerly Head Brewer at Massachusetts’ Fort Hill Brewery – to help develop their dream, Container Brewing, the Scout Magazine reported on March 4.

Opening this summer at 1216 Franklin Ave., Container Brewing will have been five years in the making for Dan and Terry, who sold software and made bicycles (respectively) before jumping off this particular cliff. They got the keys to the building (previously home to Groundwater Hydraulics for 30 years) back in November, 2018.

They’re working with 4,440 sqft in total, which breaks down to 2,800 for production/storage and the rest to a 67 seat lounge spread out on two levels.

07 March, 2019

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