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E-Malt.com News article: New Zealand: Craft beer market share is now 13% in New Zealand, research shows
Brewery news

ANZ research into craft brewing has found that niche craft beer market is the fastest growing category of beer, while mainstream beer consumption has fallen in New Zealand, stuff.co.nz reported on April 24.

Craft beer's market share has grown from nine per cent in 2013 to 13 per cent of all beers sold today, and the number of craft brewers has doubled in the last five years.

With all this growth, it's unsurprising that more than a third of Kiwi craft beer brewers are exporting their brews, and a further 30 per cent have ambitions to enter the export scene within two years.

Three are more than 100 craft breweries currently operating in New Zealand.

25 April, 2016

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