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E-Malt.com News article: USA, CO: Tivoli Brewing Co to reopen in Denver
Brewery news

One of Denver's oldest breweries was resurrected on August 22 with an eye on serving as a catalyst for the future of the Denver's craft beer industry, Colorado Springs Gazette reported on August 23.

Nearly 50 years after ceasing operations, the Tivoli Brewing Co. is up-and-running in the historic Tivoli building where the Rocky Mountain Brewing Co. and successor Tivoli Brewery churned out beer for more than a century.

The revamped Tivoli encompasses a 9,000-square-foot slice of the Auraria Higher Education Center student union and consists of a brewpub with more than 50 tap lines, a brewery capable of producing up to 15,000 barrels of beer a year and space for a future fermentation and quality assurance facility.

26 August, 2015

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