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E-Malt.com News article: USA, NM: Boese Brothers Brewery to launch in Albuquerque in August
Brewery news

Partners George and Sam Boese are finally prepared to begin production in their new downtown brewery, Boese Brothers Brewery, that should open by August, Albuquerque Journal reported on July 18.

The brewery received its certificate of occupancy last week, and George Boese said the crew should start the beer-making process on its new 15-barrel brewing system in the next few days.

Though no official opening date has been set, the goal is to open in August.

The brothers, raised in Roswell, have spent more than six months readying their new place — an old brick building at 6th and Gold SW in New Mexico, that was most recently used as a parking garage.

George Boese said most of the available properties that fit their size requirements were around the Brewery District, but were more industrial than what they wanted.

“We kind of completely switched our search,” Boese said. “We found this building that was a real fixer-upper but kind of perfect as far as what we were looking for.”

George Boese, an Air Force Academy graduate, has previously worked for Santa Fe Brewing Co. but said Sam has more commercial brewing experience both in and outside of New Mexico and will steer the production effort at Boese Brothers Brewery.

22 July, 2015

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