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E-Malt.com News article: USA, IL: Off Color Brewery opens in Chicago
Brewery news

John Laffler and Dave Bleitner hope to resurrect the brews and conduct all sorts of beer experiments at Off Color Brewery in the West Logan Square warehouse they’re currently rehabbing, Chicago Sun-Times reported on November, 27.

Laffler, 31, just left his beer research and development gig with Goose Island. And his partner, Dave Bleitner, 29, recently left his job brewing at Two Brothers in Warrenville.

The first of the beers they resurrected is a wheat beer they call Ampel Weiss (4.2 percent alcohol). There’s not much like it on the market, but when pressed for a comparison Laffler said the refreshing wheat beer is “like Blue Moon with more personality.” The second beer is a yet-to-be named dry brown ale with hints of honey and molasses. Both beers will be sold year round, and several seasonals are in the works.

“We aren’t beer archeologists, but we have a good understanding how the beer was supposed to taste,” said Laffler.

Beers will start to be produced at their 7,500 foot facility early next year.

A group of 30 beer-centric investors are behind the operation, including one “who seemed more interested in having the business card than returns,” said Bleitner. “People are passionate about beer,” said Bleitner.

They hope to have their first batch of beer in stores and on tap by March.

The duo expect to sell every drop of beer they make in the first three months, but then the real test will begin as their “new kid on the block” charm wears off and the quality of their beer takes over.

“This is our chance to do what we want for ourselves in the way we want to do it,” said Laffler.

“I’m terrified, but I feel alive,” said Laffler.

30 November, 2012

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