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E-Malt.com News article: USA, VA: Champion Brewery to open by Thanksgiving
Brewery news

Champion Brewery is getting ready to open its doors, newsplex.com reported on September, 24.

Special fermentation tanks were brought from California.

Head Brewer and President Hunter Smith says the nine new tanks will allow his business to provide a variety of different types of beer to his customers and it is a step closer for him to open up his business.

“It's huge, this is the biggest day so far, this is sort of Christmas in September for us, because to date it's been a construction zone, so now we've done all the construction to get things ready for the tanks, getting the tanks in there for the first time is when we really start to ramp up towards opening,” said Hunter Smith, Head Brewer of Champion Brewery.

Smith says the next step is actually brewing a couple of practice batches. He says he hopes to open his doors to customers by Thanksgiving.

26 September, 2012

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