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E-Malt.com News article: USA, WA: No-Li Brewhouse looks toward new markets
Brewery news

No-Li Brewhouse Managing Partner, John Bryant, recently said that the company started distributing beer to Northern Idaho but is still working on a plan for new markets away from the Pacific Northwest, beerpulse.com reported on August, 9.

“We had to pull back the distribution reigns (short-term) until we secured more hops and packaging to keep up with demand,” says Bryant.

He hopes for No-Li to be available in Colorado by September and the North East by October.

“Our homegrown hand-sell team has been connecting with local beer drinkers in local stores for the past seven weeks and have helped No-Li 22 oz. bottle sales soar one customer at a time from 23 cases in April to more than 700 cases in a six-week period,” John Bryant, No-Li co-founder and industry beer veteran said. “Safeway Stores across Eastern Washington and N. Idaho placed No-Li 22-ounce bottles of Crystal Bitter, Silent Treatment Pale and Born & Raised on displays…and Ka-Boom! People loved it. We also towed the line for the beer industry and help customers find other beers that they are looking for. We sold No-Li and we sold the beer industry. Then, it all sold.”

Using the same hand sell “demo” model that has made them successful locally, No-Li plans to head east to Ft. Collins and Denver, Colorado, just as soon as they can expand to keep up with local demand, and then on to Brooklyn, NY, Washington, D.C., and Maryland this fall.

“We are a part of a craft beer tidal wave in the Inland Northwest that builds itself through personal customer connections and we plan to make those personal connections in all markets we touch,” Bryant said. “No-Li represents the values of hard-working individuals in the area who appreciate quality craft beer made with quality local ingredients by quality local people, no less! We rolled up our sleeves and went old-school, the way it has been done by industry pioneers for decades and since prohibition. And, it’s a blast!”

No-Li produces 22-ounce bottles as well as draft brands in three styles: Silent Treatment Pale, Born & Raised IPA and Crystal Bitter.

15 August, 2012

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