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E-Malt.com News article: United Kingdom: Norfolk barley ‘perfect’ so far
Barley news

Malting barley quality in Norfolk has been “perfect” so far, Andrew Dewing, grain merchant and Aylsham Store manager, was quoted as saying by Farmers Weekly Interactive on July, 20.

Farmers had cut about 10-15% of their winter barley in the area, and 95% was very bold with a low nitrogen content. “It’s been really good - perfect malting barley,” he said.

Yields were slightly below average, but better than expected where late rain aided grain fill.

“There are a few concerns with the hot and then wet conditions, whether the winter barley will start to suffer, but it’s good so far.”

Many farms and central stores were still loaded with some old crop grain, which was being carried over to make the most of better new season prices, he added.

“It’s going to make the middle of harvest quite difficult if yields are good.”

22 July, 2009

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