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E-Malt.com News article: India: SABMiller trying to excite passion for its Indus Pride beer
Brewery news

SABMiller, the world’s second largest brewer, has launched a multi-city consumer connect programme for their recently launched beer brand Indus Pride, Exchange4media communicated on June, 1.

The programme, called ‘Passion Hour’, is being activated by Tequila\India, TBWA Group’s marketing services outfit.

Passion Hour is all about rewarding consumers for being passionate about anything that means a lot to them. The programme involves consumers taking ‘Passion Tests’ in large format bars by answering questions on subjects like Bollywood, Cricket, etc., India’s two biggest passions. Every right answer wins a pint of Indus Pride beer.

Commenting on the programme, Daljeet Kataria, Head - Trade Marketing, SABMiller, said, “Indus Pride is a focus brand for us this year and we are expecting to create consumer buzz through aggressive activations aimed at trial generation and sampling. With Passion Hour, our endeavour is to establish the brand connect using the platform of Bollywood and cricket. We expect Tequila to demonstrate its potency in experiential activations in a challenging environment like the mainstream bars.”

Indus Pride is claimed to be the only Indian domestic 100 per cent malt beer in the mainstream segment and is currently available in Karnataka and Rajasthan.

03 June, 2009

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