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E-Malt.com News article: Australia: WA micro-brewers demand bigger tax concessions
Brewery news

West Australian micro-breweries are urging the Federal Government to give the beer industry the same tax concessions as wineries, The ABC News reported on March, 22.

Currently, a small winery can claim back its excise up to $500,000 under the Wine Equalisation Tax, while breweries can only claim a $10,000 dollar refund.

Hugh Dunn from the W-A Brewers Association says breweries are struggling to operate competitively or expand under the tax regime.

Mr Dunn says taxes on beer need to be brought in line with the wine industry.

"What the microbrewing industry is asking for is some sort of parity with the wine industry so that our small businesses, our small microbreweries that are growing in similar regions can have the same impact, we'll see growth in the micro-industry, increase in employment," he said.

25 March, 2009

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