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Europe Hops Production and Yields 2016 - 2017

Country Production (tonnes) Yield (t/ha)
2016 2017s 2016 2017s
Germany 42766 39224 2.30 2.01
The Czech Republic 7712 5700 1.61 1.15
Poland 3043 2500 2.06 1.55
Slovenia 2476 2500 1.67 1.57
UK 1400 1500 1.52 1.53
France 772 755 1.68 1.57
Spain 946 662 1.76 1.23
Russia 444 500 1.06 1.06
Ukraine 480 480 1.30 1.30
Austria 480 410 1.93 1.60
Turkey 390 390 1.11 1.11
Belgium 198 224 1.33 1.33
Romania 195 219 0.72 0.81
Slovakia 187 160 1.36 1.17
Bulgaria 38 45 2.11 2.05
Others 280 262 1.44 1.44
TOTAL 61806 55531 2.03 1.74
Source: Hopsteiner
Publication date: 31 October, 2017